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When I woke up I saw Zac packing.

"Goodmorning" Zac said smiling

"Hi do you need any help" I questioned

"Sure can you fold this stuff" He asked pointing to a pile of clothes

"Yea hold on I gotta go to the bathroom" I said running to the bathroom

I went in there and puked. Ugh I should call Austin.

I brushed my teeth with my spare toothbrush I had here. Then I walked out and grabbed my phone.

"Hey let me call Austin" I said walking out to his balcony

I dialed Austin's number and thankfully he answered.

"Hello" Said sounding a little pissed still
"Babe listen I have a feeling you watched E news but let me explain" I said quickly
"You have 5 minutes go" he said angrily
"Zac and I are bestfriends ask my dad check what i've said on interviews Yes I did spened the night at Zac's but I'm helping him pack cause he's moving to Miami also please believe me" I pleaded
"Alright I'm sorry babe I should have let you explain I was just worried because I'd just made you mine And I didn't wanna loose you when are you coming home" he asked
"awe I'm coming home tonight My dads jet leaves at 3 so in two hours" I said
"good cause I miss your lips" he whined
"I miss your lips too but I have to finish helping Zac so I'll text you when I get on the plane" I said
"Alright love you bye" he said
"Love you too" I smiled

I hung up and walked back inside. I looked at the pile of clothes and started folding his clothes. I turned on the TV and TMZ was on. I continued folding clothes until I heard my name being said.

"Zac turn that up" I yelled

"Jade Gosling might be pregnant. Jade was seen sneaking around with Austin mahone and Zac efron does she even know who the babies daddy is" The lady reported.

"In other news I hear that she is also signed to the same record label as Austin we could have a new singer on our hands" she reported

"Ugh can't they just leave me alone" I shouted laying back on Zac's bed

Two hours later Zac and I are waiting at the airport. We are waiting for my dads jet to be called.

"Flight 74 to Miami is now ready please go to gate 74 please and thank you" The lady said over the intercom

"That's us" I said looking at Zac and dad

"Let's go" he said picking up the bags

We walked to there plane and got on. I sat in on the little couch thing. After we took off I took out my phone and made a call. I called the doctors office and scheduled an appointment for today at 6.

I laid back and fell into a deep sleep.

*Skip the plane ride*

"Jade wake up get up" Zac said shaking me

"I'm up i'm awake" I said sitting up

I stood up and grabbed my purse. I got off the plane and saw Austin standing there with the boys. When I got off the plane steps I dropped my stuff and run-waddled to Austin. When I got to him I hugged him tight.

"I missed you and your pregnant belly" Austin said with his face in my neck

"I missed you too" i said

"Babe I want you to meet some people" Austin said letting go

"This is Robert Zach and AC short for Alex Constancio" He said point to each of them

"Hi guys I'm Jade Gosling" I said

"We know Austin has been talking about and showing us pictures non stop" Robert smirked

I giggled and turned and look at Austin." Really babe" I questioned

"Yea I could't help it" He laughed

"Its cool and kinda cute" I said

"Well lets not stand here lets go" Robert said

"Wait I want you to meet my bestfriend" I said smiling

" ZAC COME HERE" I yelled

Zac came running over and I felt Austin tense up.

"Babe calm down" I whispered

"Guys this is my bestfriend Zac Efron Zac this is Robert Zach and Ac short for Alex Constancio" I said

"And of course my amazing boyfriend and father of my child" I said kissing his cheek

They shook hands and we stood there quietly.

"Let's go somewhere I'm starving" I said

"Yea let's do" everyone agreed.

We walked to the van and got in. I sat on Austin's lap so everyone could fit.

"Babe doctors appointment at 6" I said kissing his neck cause I think hes mad.

"Ok" He moaned quietly.

We got into the van and drove to Olive Garden.

Austin Mahone Got Me PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now