Part 19

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I opened the door and made my way to the common room. I didn’t really have anything to do, so I thought they might have something there.

I so one of the guys from last night sitting in the couch. I remembered he had yelled something.

Oh yeah. “Why don’t you just let the police help?” A guy with short spiky blonde hair yelled.

I walked over to a bookshelf, as the guy glazed up at me. Almost all of the books in the bookshelf was about different heroes. I took one tilted “All about the number one hero All Might.”

I sat down on the couch.

The guy glazed at me again. “Interested in heroes?”

“Not really,” I answered. “But since it is a thing here, I might have to reach it. I guess you are, since you study it.”

“Why are you here?”


“I asked why are you here idiot?!” He stood up. “I don’t have time for extras!”

“Relax Bakugou before you blow this whole place up,” A guy with red and white hair came walking towards us from the kitchen.

“Don’t tell me what to do Half ‘n’ half!!” yelled the guy who according to the other guy was named Bakugou.

“This is the reason you didn’t pass,” said the two-colour hair guy calmly.

“Shut up, or I’ll blow you to the f*cking moon!!”

The two-colour hair guy walked over to the elevator.

“Don’t run away you coward!”

Bakugou turned back to his homework.
I am so tired TvT

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