Part 48

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“You are leaving tomorrow?” Bakugou asked.

I nodded, as I pulled my knees up to my chest. I was sitting next to him on his bed.

“Why are you only telling me?”

“I don’t know what to say to them,” I answered. “I don’t wanna make them sad.”

“They are gonna be sad too, if you just disappear. And you are probably gonna feel like shit, and regret you didn’t say goodbye to them anyways.”

“Why are you so right?” I buried my face in my knees.

I felt Bakugou hug me and rest his chin on my head. “Because that’s how I would feel. And even though I have only known you for 2 weeks, I am know you. I am probably the one who knows you best here.” Bakugou stood up. I looked up at him. “Go tell them!”

I stood up and just looked at him for a couple of seconds.

“NOW!” Bakugou yellled annoyed.

I quickly exited his room and walked towards the common room.
Ojiro and Sero were sitting and studying.

“Guys,” I said. “Can you gather everyone?”

It didn’t take long before everyone was gathered.

“So the thing is...” I nervously said. “I am leaving tomorrow.”

Everyone began to yell. I couldn’t make sense of, what people were saying.

“So Aizawa has found out how to get you back safe?” Midoriya asked.
I nodded.

“We all will miss you,” Kirishima said.

I widen my arms. “Hug?”

“HUGG!” Kirishima yelled.
Me reading this: *Rewriting it in My head*

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