That's Not How We Raised You

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Kirishima Pov
Dorm life has been fun but I'm pretty excited to go home for the long weekend. I grab a small bag of stuff and start walking downstairs. I talk to my mom and dad on the phone here and there, but school, working out, and hanging out with friends normally eats away my time.
"Hey Kirishima!" Mina says with a wave. "Heading out too?"
I nod.
"Let's walk together! I'm only a few blocks farther than you and we can talk along the way!!!"
"I'm down!" I say with a smile. Mina and I didn't really hangout in middle school but since UA started we're pretty close. Both in friendship and housing distance lol. My parents love her and ask about her a lot, and I normally just give short responses because it's not like we're dating. I kinda get lost in my thoughts and Mina taps on my shoulder once we arrive at my doorstep.
"Eijiro! Welcome home!" my mom says while running out to hug me. My father follows behind and gives a small wave to Mina. They do some small talk while my mother smothers me with kisses.
"I should head home now, but it was great to see you guys!"
Both of my parents nod and wave. "You're welcome over anytime sweetie!" my mom adds last minute.

After settling back into my room and laying around for a bit, it's dinner time. My mom did bbq as a special treat for me coming home. I start devouring it immediately.
"So, are you and Mina dating?"
I choke on my delicious food and take a second to swallow and breathe before responding with, "No, we're just friends."
"Well you should try getting a girlfriend soon!" my dad says gripping my shoulder. "High school is the time to have fun and start working on you *wiggles eyebrows* romancing skills."
"Sweetheart!" my mom scolds him. I chuckle.
"I just haven't really found the right girl or guy I guess."
The sentence slips out so easily but I immediately realize what I said. My friends and I are all pretty chill with whatever sexualities anyone has, and most of us haven't totally figured it out. I've questioned my feelings about certain friends before, especially one person since I walked into class 1A. The thing is, we're a different generation than my parents and I had no idea what to expect as their response.
"You're not a f*ggot Eijiro, so don't say stuff like that," my dad says in a voice as cool as ice. The slur he said makes me shiver a little, and my mom adds, "We raised you not to judge, but I have to draw the line when it comes to homos."
What the heck? I expected a little awkwardness not this.
"Well... I have some gay friends," I say in a quiet voice. My dad glares at me.
"They could make a move on you and yet you stick around them?"
"Honey, they might r*pe you..." my mom whispers.
"They wouldn't do that! They're normal people, not assaulters!" I say with a lot more passion. My dad stabs his fork into the table.
"You can't hangout with them, that's final. And what are their names, I have to contact their parents."
I look at him in disgust. Normally I can always be calm and kind, but I feel sick to my stomach from the words they're saying.
"Well what if I liked guys?! Huh?!" Oh frick. Why did I say that? My mom puts her head in her hands and my dad stands up.
"The hell did you just say! I didn't raise a f*g so either apologize or get out!"
I'm really upset and pissed now, so I grab a jacket and slam the door in adrenaline.

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