Awkward Morning After

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Kirishima POV
I wake up confused and to the smell of bacon. I'm on a hard brown couch and a light is blaring down at me.
And then it hits me. I ran away from home, kissed Bakugo, and then proceeded to fall asleep on his couch.
"Ughhhhh..." I groan in frustration while massaging my temple.
"Looks like your friend's awake Katsuki! Get downstairs now before I give you a smack on the head!" a high voice screams from the kitchen. I peer past the wall and see the woman version of Bakugo smiling at me.
"Morning sweetheart! I'm Mitsuki, Katsuki's mom. Although I would've preferred my son TELLING ME," she raises her voice to make sure Bakugo hears, "that you were coming over, I'm happy to have you."
I smile back at her, although I'm a little off put by the smack Bakugo's head threat she made earlier.
"Thank you for having me. Sorry for coming unannounced."
"Oh don't worry. I don't blame you. I just wish I'd known, especially since my Katsuki hasn't had a friend over since Izuku back in kindergarten."
"SHUT UP OLD HAG!" Bakugo says with a startling entrance. He's blushing slightly and I can't help but giggle. He turns to me and my smile immediately drops. We both seem to remember last night, and I really want to apologize. Then again, saying 'Sorry I pushed you up against a wall and made out with you before passing out' in front of his mom would probably be the worst thing I could do right now.
"Masaru honey! Come down please!"

Bakugo's parents are nice. And his mom makes an incredible breakfast. I gobble down my plate aggressively and Bakugo's dad chuckles.
"Do they not feed you at home?"
I gulp and respond, "Didn't really eat dinner last night." Bakugo shifts in his seat next to me and it reminds me that he has no idea why I really came over.
"Well, Katsuki you should've said something!" his mom says while giving Bakugo a light smack on the head. I shiver at the slight bit of aggression. Bakugo notices.
"What's up with you shitty hair?" he whispers to me once his parents start a discussion about their schedules for the day.
"I'll talk to you later about it," I respond in the most 'not right now please' tone that I can muster.

"We're leaving!" Bakugo yells to his parents from the living room. We'd been sitting awkwardly there for a few minutes before he grabbed me and started walking towards the door.
"No yelling Katsuki!" his mom yells back at him. "And it was nice to meet you Kirishima!" she adds with a smile and a wave from the kitchen. I wave back as I'm dragged outside.
Bakugo slams the door and starts walking down the street. I follow him.
"So what happened yesterday..." he starts. I sigh.
"Parents kicked me out. Or I guess I ran out," I say as my eyes sting a little. "They said something really rude about gay-" I freeze. What's Bakugo think about gay people? What if he hates them? I don't even know if I'm gay or how gay and I did kiss him and he couldn't do anything cause his family was home but now we're outside and he could beat me up or-
"You don't have to tell me more shitty hair." I look up from the sidewalk to see Bakugo's eyes aren't narrowed in anger. "People are fucking dumb as hell if they get upset about shit like that."
I nod as a wave of relief washes over me.
"So what happened after you left?" he continues.
"Turned off my location tracking, but couldn't go to Mina, Kaminari or Sero's cause my parents know their addresses. You seemed like the logical option."
"Makes sense. Sorry your parents are bitches," he says while motioning towards a park bench nearby. I sit next to him.
"It's ok... I'm sorry about last night..."
"I don't give a fuck. It didn't mean shit anyways, you were just pissed."
I let out a breath, but a pit in my stomach forms. It didn't mean anything. My feelings for the blond next to me need to be the least of my worries right now, so I push them to the bottom of my heart.
"So," he continues, "what are you gonna do now?"

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