Is that even a question?

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Natasha's pov

".... and that's it. I'm pretty sure you know the next events after therapy."

We've been through so much huh?

"Wait you said I delivered Daisy the other way??" I asked.

Steve gave a nod and moved closer. Too close to be precise... Soon I felt him lifting the fabric off my stomach, my heart rate sped up. "W-what are you doing?"

"Nothing. This scar in your abdomen is the remembrance of that event." He stated tracing the scar on my stomach, staring at me intently.

Oh that's where I got that scar...  I thought to myself. I cleared my throat before deciding to speak, "Uh Rogers? You can remove your hands from my shirt now... Unless you're enjoying it." I said awkwardly. Soon a blush crept on his face, removing his hands and looks away.

"Err... uhm. I-i'm s-sorry." He stuttered blushing heavily.

"It's okay... I guess? I mean we have a child together... So I guess we've seen and touched each other more than that?" Okaaay? Damn it Natasha why the hell would you even say that?!

Steve's face redden more and coughs awkwardly.

Son of a bitch. As if he didn't enjoyed that moment before...

"So yeah that's it... I'm sorry for hiding Amethyst again. We're just following others." He apologizes. Diverting the topic I see.

I only gave him a slight nod, "What about us now?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"I don't know if you're born stupid or you're just naturally dumb?" I insinuated, earning a frown from him.

"You know what--" Before he could even finish his sentences I cut him off on purpose, annoying him of course.

"No. I didn't know yet." I retorted. Steve took a deep breathe, frustration laced on his face already.

"You've bee--" Once again I didn't let him finish. Who knew teasing him could be so fun? What more if I tease him in other ways??

"I've been what?"

"Jesus Christ..." He muttered. Soon I felt him grabbing my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Let me finish, will you?" He asked annoyed.

"What if I don't want to? What will you gonna do about it huh?" I whispered seductively in his ears, while my fingers traces his jaw.

"You've been so naughty..." He whispered back. "Should I punish you for it baby hmm?"

"Depends." I answered timidly and unwrapped his arms on my waist. I saw him frowned as I smirked at him.

"Such a tease..." He mumbles. Darting his eyes to the floor.

The smirk on my face grew wider, "What was that? You know, if you really want something to happen you should make a move to get it." I stated lifting up his chin, the blue orbs meets the green one. "What do you desire the most right at this moment? Hmm?" I added in low voice.

"You." He respond. Our faces moves simultaneously towards each other, closing the gap, I felt his lips on mines.

Slowly our lips moves in sync, I laced my arms on his neck while he wrapped his one arm on my waist, the other one's resting on my cheeks. He bites my lower lip gently asking for entrance which I gladly allowed, his tongue exploring my mouth.

Since we're humans and not an aliens, oxygen became an issue. We pulled away, deattaching our lips from each other. However our foreheads are still compressed.

"I missed you." He whispered, his thumb caressing my cheeks.

"I missed you too. Let's rebuild our relationship... This time with our daughter." A smile slowly flashed on his face, he pressed a light kiss on my lips again.

"I'd love that."


"Look who's home!" Maria dramatically exclaimed but was taken a back when he saw mine and Steve's hands interlaced together. I can see a smile forming in her face.

"Did you guys brought food? We're hungry." Carol butted in, smiling dorkily.

I rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle, "We'll order. Is she awake?"

"Yep, in her room with Pepper. Actually I'll go in there, order a lot of food bitches, bye!" Carol chanted before walking out, I saw Maria wearing this smug look in her face.

"What?" I scoffed.

"Nothing. I can see that you two reconciled already huh? We're hoping not to see the PDA again."

"We'll see about that. Why bother on our PDA instead of having one with Sam?" I mocked. She raises one of her eyebrows again, probably thinking of a comeback.

"At least we're not rabbits."

It's my turn to raise an eyebrow to her, "Pardon me?"

"Do you really think the group aren't aware of that little making out on the car? Tsk tsk very dirty Natasha."

"Ugh! You told them?!" I barked at Steve's face.

"Yep he did! Also I hope you guys didn't fuck on his office today, it's totally unprofessional darlings."

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