Alex Interrogates Bree

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"Hey, Bree!" Alex called across the room.

Bree turned and looked for who was called her. When her eye caught Alex, she smiled.


"I would like to talk with you." Alex said it flatly with a slight edge to her tone Bree hadn't heard before.

"Alright," Bree said, trying to remain herself.

Alex led her to another room in the Fairy Palace. She opened the door and let Bree enter first. Bree entered the room and surveyed it quietly.

The room had no ceiling, like every other room in the Fairy Palace. It held three chairs that sat on top of a purple carpet. The carpet matched the flowers that grew in their hanging baskets in each corner of the room.

Alex took a seat in the red chair and motioned for Bree to take a seat as well. Bree chose the blue chair and sat down. She tried to make herself as comfortable as possible while running over the possibilities of what Alex would want to talk about.

But before Bree could question it, Alex got straight to her point.

"I'd like to talk to you about dating my brother." she said matter-of-factually.

Bree tried hard not to let her expression falter. She had thought this might be coming. She knew Conner had interrogated Arthur, and she only assumed that Alex would do the same for her.

"Alright," Bree said as calmly as she could manage. Which was pretty calm. She took a few breaths, silently of course, and found that she was worrying over nothing. All would be fine. But this was Alex we were talking about. She could be very serious. "What about it?"

Alex looked caught off guard by Bree's easiness about the whole thing. She knew Conner was not this way when Arthur interrogated him. Alex shook it off and proceeded as planned.

"Why do you like my brother?" she deadpanned. Alex could see this took Bree by surprise.

"Why do I like Conner?" Bree repeated and thought for a moment. "I like Conner because he's Conner. He's funny and shy and cute, and doesn't mind voicing his opinions. He doesn't pressure anything in our relationship, and always asks me for what I want. He's caring and understanding."

Alex was stunned by her words. She knew Bree was a bit hardcore, but she hadn't expected this soft side. She even noticed a dreamy look in Bree's eyes as she spoke of Conner.

"Plus," Bree said. "We've been through a lot together. You just can't walk away from someone you've almost died with a few dozen times with a 'Bye, it was nice knowing you.'"

Alex failed at trying to stifle a laugh. That was more like the Bree she remembered.

"I guess that's true," Alex said, trying to hide her smile.

"Like you and Arthur," Bree said, surprising Alex with the mention of Arthur. "He met you when you were desperate to do something life-saving, helped you complete that, and here you are. He helped save your future twice, and you helped him save his destiny. you can't just walk away from that."

Bree's words hit Alex differently. She had never thought about her and Arthur's relationship like that, but now that Bree put it so plainly and bluntly, it dawned on her that that was true. Her and Arthur fit well because they had been through important life things together. A lot of important life things.

"So, if another of your questions was 'Why do I want to date Conner?'" Bree continued. "Then I think you have your answer."

Alex knew from Conner that Bree was into mysteries and psychology, but she had never thought about it. She hadn't thought of it when she had planned to talk with Bree. She hadn't thought that Bree would guess her next questions. But, remembering that Conner talked about her love for crime novels 24/7, she honestly had to tell herself she wasn't surprised.

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