Alex's Wedding

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Alex peeked around the door to her room in the Fairy Palace.  She was in her wedding dress, looking all fancy on the outside, but very nervous on the inside. She was marrying Arthur of Camelot, the man of her dreams (literally).

She tried to calm her nerves down, but nothing she did helped. She tried breathing exercises, she tried pacing, she tried tapping in morse code the word 'calm' over and over again. Nothing helped. She was about ready to call the entire wedding off because of them when Bree walked through the door.

She looked stunning in her own way. Alex was the one who looked absolutely stunning. Alex wore a long, white dress, a veil draped over the back of her head for the moment, and a simple strand of pearls with matching pearl earrings.

Bree, on the other hand, wasn't wearing a dress. She was decked out in a patterned jumpsuit that fit the sleek, formal wedding attire. She wore no jewelry, and Conner had convinced her to forgo her bracelets for that day. She looked very dressed-up for Bree.

But Alex wouldn't have cared if she was wearing a chicken costume. She needed help, and fast.

"Bree! Thank God, I need to talk to someone." Alex breathed out. Then, she went into full, fast, rambling mode. "I just can't do this! I mean, I didn't know there would be this much pressure! I expected a nice, small, quiet wedding, but the Fairy Council had to invite the whole kingdom. And kingdoms beyond that! And, Arthur invited about half of Camelot to join us. What am I going to do? I'm fine being in front of people, but my wedding is different! I can't do this, I just can't!"

Bree sighed calmly and touched Alex's shoulder lightly.

"It's alright, Alex," she said soothingly. "Everyone gets jitters before their wedding, I'm sure Arthur is going through the same thing right now."


"Your not the least bit jittery?" Conner asked a smiling Arthur.

"Nope. It is an honor to be marrying your sister, why should I feel nervous. I have known her for years, there is nothing to worry about."

"Well, I think I have enough jitters for the both of us," Conner muttered. "How do you do it? There are all those people outside waiting for you two to get married and your not the least bit nervous?"

"Nope. We all know the ceremony will go well,"

"I seriously do not understand you," Conner muttered.


"Okay, I think I'm ready," Alex said, glad Bree was there. She would not have been able to get over her nerves without Bree's calming voice and advice. She was a great friend.

"Good," Bree said. "You look stunning."

"Thank you," Alex said, and straightened a few last strands of her hair as finishing touches.

She breathed out slowly and looked at Bree.

"I'm ready,"


~ tlos_geek2

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