Chapter 8

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I turned to the source of the sound and was surprised when I saw a figure that I didn't expect would stand here. He approached me with a big smile.

"Mr. Kelly!" I exclaimed in surprise, "How did you get here?" I asked while shaking his hand.

"I plan to go to your house after I attend the festival here. There is a friend of mine who contacted me to attend this event. Why did you yourself get here?"

"Same like you, Mister. My friend invited me here so I could get an idea in writing."

"Ah, I see."

I nodded my head slowly. My attention was taken back to Jungkook who was now distant and he followed Jimin who was at the food stand.

"So, how about your work? Are you getting an idea?" asked Mr. Kelly.

I nodded my head again, "Well, a little idea for now."

This three-headed man sighed, "I hope that with your vacation now, you can finish your writing and return to Canada. You have lots of books to edit, Alice. I'm getting embarrassed with Mrs. Lincoln who now often asks me about you."

"I'm so sorry, Mister. I promise I'll come back to Canada again later. I only have two weeks left here," I told him.


"Kelly!" called a woman who was the same as him called from the door of a house. Mr. Kelly only gave the code and then he turned to me.

"Tomorrow I'll go to your house, after that I'll go back to Canada. I'll go first," he said, with a nod. After Mr. Kelly entered the house, Taehyung came to me.

"Who is that?" he asked curiously.

"He is my editor," I replied to him.

"Wow, you guys met here?! You must be immediately pressured by the job target he asked for!" Taehyung murmured, "What's his name?"

"Mr. Kelly Hanson."

He frowned. Surprised mixed when he heard his name.


"His name is like a girl's name!"

I hit his shoulder small because I didn't expect the words that come out of his mouth. Well, that was shocking.

"Why did you hit me? Isn't that right? His name is like a girl's name!" he said again, rolling his eyes did not accept.

"All right. It's up to you. Let's follow them at the food booth!" I asked Taehyung to catch up with other friends.

We decided to taste the cakes at the booth. It tastes better and the combination tastes very unique and makes me addicted. For the texture, like a cake in general that feels crisp on the outside but soft on the inside.

After that, we decided to have lunch together. We walked to one of the houses which was quite crowded. The impression of elegance and classics immediately ambushed us with the aromas of appetizing roast meat. This house was originally an ordinary resident's house, but because there is a festival, homeowners turn it into a small dining place. Shades of black and white wood and very beautiful brown with a combination of wood and porcelain properties in the corner of the room add an elegant and classic impression.

We also sat on rectangular dining chairs made of wood and ordered delicious food here. While eating, I write down some important points which I will include in my writing later.

"Alice, are you a writer?" Jimin asked curiously about the writing I made. I nodded my head and that shocked him and Yoongi.

"Wow! I didn't think you were a writer. What are the titles of your books that have been published?" Yoongi asked.

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