VIII- Janet

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Okay. So camp was pretty cool. Everything was amazing. But Janet couldn't stop thinking about who her mom could be. She saw how Chris was "claimed" (that's what Leah called it) and then she heard from some campers about how Zack was claimed as well. But she still wasn't claimed yet. Leah told her that it was usual not to be claimed right away, that sometimes it takes a little more time than usual. But still, Janet was frustrated. Leah was the daughter of Nike, the goddess of victory. Leah was 14, had black hair, blue eyes, athletic built, and about the same height as Janet. She was wearing some black leggings, an orange shirt displaying the words "Camp Half-Blood", and a pair of orange low top converse.

"Don't worry Janet, you'll find out who you're mom is." Leah put her hand on Janet's shoulder. "Unfortunately, until you do, you have to sleep at the Hermes Cabin." Leah began to walk towards the Hermes Cabin. It looked just like a normal cabin. It was brown, with a caduceus on the door. The inside was pretty normal too. Janet saw multiple bunks in along the walls. It was pretty clean (which came to a surprise to Leah). She saw Chris in the back talking to a couple kids his age. He was sitting at a table eating some chocolate chip cookies. He had already changed, he was wearing his jeans from earlier but now he was wearing an orange camp shirt. He looked up and saw Janet.

"Janet!" Chris exclaimed. He stood up and ran to her side and hugged her by the waist. "Travis said that you would most likely come stay here until you got claimed."

"That's right kiddo. We're gonna be cabin mates until I get assigned to one." Janet was squatting next to him ruffling his hair.

"He said that Zack would probably come by as well."

"Actually, Zack got claimed not to long ago." Janet looked at Chris as his expression went from happy to sad. "But guess who his dad is? Morpheus. The god of dreams. He'll be sleeping a lot while you get to do cool stuff like play pranks and have fun." Chris went back to grinning. Janet stood up. She turned around to face Leah. "So, what is there to do around here? I take it that you don't just sit around in your cabin all day?"

"Actually, me and a couple other campers were going to play some volleyball at 5 today. We're going to meet at the beach. Wanna join?" Leah asked.

"For sure. I'll be there." Janet replied. "Hey, are we allowed to visit my brother at his cabin or is that like not permitted?"

"Well, we have Breakfast at 9 Lunch in at 3 and Dinner at 9. We're supposed to be at our own cabins by 11:30. So yeah, you can visit your brother. I'll take you guys to his cabin." Leah went out the door. Janet grabbed Chris' hand who was more than eager to go as well. Leah led them to a dark blue cabin. The door had a dark cloud with a closed eye in the middle and the sides of the house were dunes of black sand. "Wanna see something cool Chris?" Chris nodded and Leah reached out to the sand and picked some up. She then through it into the sky and it changed into a lion with a pair of white wings then disappeared. "Dream sand. Morpheus is better known by mortals as Sandman the guy who makes dreams. This is his sand."

"Cool!" Chris exclaimed. He then turned his attention to the cabin again and ran to the door. Janet followed.

"Thanks a lot Leah. I'll see you at 5." Janet hugged Leah and ran after Chris. Inside were only four beds. It looked pretty dull. The only thing besides the beds were desks, dressers, and cabinets. Zack was talking to some guy, Lance was his name, he was the guy who gave Zack the tour. Zack saw Chris and I, then thanked Lance and smiled as he left. Lance passed us saying 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' and walked out the door. "What was that all about?"

"That? Nothing? Why? We were just talking. He was saying that tonight there was a game called 'Capture the Flag' and that we were all expected to play. It's supposed to be really fun."

"Can I play too?" Chris was pulled on Zack's shirt.

"I don't see why not. I'll be with you the whole time." Zack then carried his into his shoulders.

"So did he ask you to go? As a date? Or what?" Janet was suspicious of Lance. She was always good at sensing when someone like someone else and Lance gave her a vibe that he fancied Zack.

"A date? What? He was just being friendly. Are you seriously going to tell me that your 'gay'dar went off?" Zack began to laugh. "You're always off you know that right?"

"I'm just saying." Janet put her hands up in defeat.

"Zack I'm starting to get hungry. And I don't want cookies anymore." Chris had his arms crossed and was leaning on Zack's head.

"You're tired of cookies? That's a surprise." Janet responded. Zack laughed. "What do you want to eat then kiddo."

"Um.. Pizza! Can we Janet? Can we Zack?" Chris was getting jumpy so Zack put him down.

"Sure. Why not? Right Janet?" Janet nodded.

"It's almost lunchtime. And I hear that you can get anything you want." Janet checked her watch. "Yep. It's 2:50. 10 minutes until lunch time. Let's make our way over there okay?"

"Okay!" Chris took Zack's hand and pulled him towards the door.

"Hold up Chris. Let me put down my bag."

"Oh yeah. I'm still carrying mine around." Zack and Janet put their bags down and went to grab Chris. They went out the front door, hand in hand with Chris in the middle. Heading over to the Dining Pavilion.

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