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The next couple of days were a blur. We said goodbye to Janet, Chris, Lance, and Jay as they went back to Chicago with Zack's body. Chris hadn't said a word at all since it happened. Janet had stopped crying long enough to say goodbye to camp. Jay went with them to take care of them along the way. He didn't want to leave them alone. Lance was in worse shape. We had had a conversation the night before they left. He came into my cabin crying.
*That night*
"Nico, please, I have to talk to Zack. I have to say goodbye to him. I-I.. I miss him." He said between sobs. He was on his knees begging me to bring Zack back for a bit.
"Lance. I can't. You can't bring back the dead. It doesn't work that way. I was obsessed with being my sister back from the dead for a long time. I made it a life mission. I payed so much attention to giving her her life back. I forgot about my own. You can't do this. You have to accept it. I'm sorry." I was on the floor holding him as he kept sobbing. He just kept repeating the phrase 'It's not fair.' Over and over again. "I'm sorry Lance. Zack is gone."
After that night. Lance decided to go with Janet, Chris, and Jay back to Chicago to be part of Zack's funeral. That was three days ago. Which means that they were probably already there in Chicago. Zack had given his life to save us all from Leo. Once Leo woke up he wasn't crazy anymore. Zack had cured him. He wasn't trying to kill anyone. Leo didn't remember what had happened. Or what he did. But that didn't stop Lance from attacking him. Lance had punched and punched Leo so much. It took three guys to remove Lance away. When we told Leo the reason for Lance's hatred. He felt bad. His big entrance and party that he had hoped for wasn't going to happen. Everyone was just too depressed about Zack. We realized that he had used a lot of his power. The whole camp had a week of amazing dreams after Zack was gone.
"Nico?" I heard a voice coming somewhere in my cabin. I looked up. The voice was familiar. I saw a faint glow from the corner of the room. Then I heard the voice again. "Nico? Is that you?"
"Zack?" I asked. I walked up to the glow. "I command you ghost, take form." The. The glow became brighter and then it took a human form. It was Zack. He was wearing jeans, a camp shirt, his cardigan, and no shoes. He looked like like a ghost. Expect that he was blue instead of pale. "How? How are you here? You're dead." Then I felt an hand on my shoulder.
"I brought him here." I turned around to see my dad, Hades, looking down at me. He was in a black suit, black shirt, black tie, and black shoes.
"Dad? What are you doing here? Why did you bring me Zack?"
"You can decide what to do with him. Zack did a good thing. He saved you guys. Leo was on a rampage. If Zack wasn't here, Leo would've burned the camp down. Although Zack did give his life. It isn't his time yet. The fates have told me that Zack's string isn't meant to be cut yet. He still has a lot more to live and see. But the fates have also told me that you are the one to decide whether you want Zack to live, or go back to the underworld. I leave him with you." And with that Hades vanished and Zack's ghost was still there.
"So? Um... What's your decision?" Zack asked. I looked at him and laughed.
"What do you think? Obviously you're coming back. Wait here." Then I ran out to get Will. He was sitting in his bed reading a book. I pulled him up and ran back to my cabin.
"What are you-?" Will began then saw Zack. "Zack?! Oh my gods! I thought you were dead!" Then reached out to hug him but hit the wall instead.
"He's a ghost. We're taking him back to his body." I explained.
"And how are we planning on doing that?" Zack asked. I took Zack by the arm.
"How come you can touch him Nico?" Will asked.
"I'm the Ghost King, son of Hades." I explained.
"Right." Will said. Then I took his arm.
"We're going to you're funeral Zack."
"Wait what?" Both Will and Zack asked as we disappeared into the shadows.

Willco/Solangelo: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now