Do you have an extra pen??

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Its been a tiring long day so i thought of having a tea break, just for completion of my wish i head to a cafe near my hospital and placed my order while waiting for my order to arrive; I was just admiring the rush outside the window from my seat when i saw a not so familiar stranger who have just entered the cafe and approached to the seat opposite to mine in adjacent table. The feeling of familarity of that face just intrigued the rush of my beautiful school memory.

The  misty day of  July, after one and half months of relaxing summer vecation we are back to our place of freedom and fun "the school"😁. Today is the first day of our highschool and we all, the troublesome fives are together in 9B. We all were excited and obviously enthusiastic for life ahead afterall now we are technically seniors of the school though juniors of the highers but still. So the day begin with a new teacher and sure some strict sitting arrangements which literally was bad cause it seperated the troublesome fives and being the most innocent and naive of that group I was paired with a new comer in class like seriously , i was sulking for the whole time that day. Then ccomes my new seatmate the newcomer i don't think so cause when he enters the class whole class was shook like everybody there knew him except me(even my bestie too knew him). When he came to the seat I told him that I am gonna take the window so no more arguement. I stated the facts and sat on my side and then let my thoghts wander outside the window which were interrupted by that newcomer. He tapped on my shoulder and asked me "Hey! Do you have an extra pen"...I was for sure startled in staring but then we talked and there it begins our  new story.
We became closer in a year of span we shared every smallest details of our past and every biggest ambition of future. He was actually something , we can say different but in a good way, his never give up and smile till you shine and fight till you make it theories always helped me, being a all time introvert i can never be able to open my heart to him, to tell him that you are literally the one who can make me do every odd thing I've never even imaigined.
One day when my frieds told me to confront him and tell him how he make me feel as an individual. I gathered all my courage and approched to class that day I've waited whole day but he didn't arrived and coming for whole week he was absent. Then it clicked me that he always told me that he never stayed in one place for more than an year cause of his father's transferable job. I cried all that nights, all the contacts were not even working and then as time pass by he turned into a beautiful inspiring memory of me and made me an open funloving extrovert.
And now seeing him in front of me after all these years. I am not going to let my favourite childhood fragnance to fade away.
So collecting all my strength this time I went to my adjacent table and tapped his shoulder and asked "Hey! Do you have an extra pen"........
Then it start all over again we began to do every odd things together all again thanks to that tea and pen we are back together😄😄

TimelapseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora