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"Monsoon" the epitome of emotions. Everyone has a different aspect and story regarding this season. For some it is romantic, entacizing and for some its just moisty, sticky, greasy seoson. But each one has a different and mind appetizing story related to it.

It was almost around 1:45 pm and I was going through some of my unfinished assignments in library of the college. When I got a call stating that its emergency and owner of the phone has been taken to the hospital.

I was just stunned for a while glued to the chair where I was sitting. The call just blown my mind, it took me few minutes to get myself together and proceed my way out of that library and run to that hospital.

While finding my way ahead for hospital, I was so disturbed and the empty roads made it worse for me. I was getting no way to reach there though the hospital was near to campus but not enough near for me to walk in that mindset. No auto and taxi were to be found and me freaking to death didn't help either.

Holding my strength back in the hope of seeing him safe I made my way and start walking to my destination. In the middle of my stressful journey, it started raining. The water droplets seeping from heavy clouds down to earth and draining  me along with my tears made me recall all those time that we both spent together laughing, crying, arguing, apologising and cuddling, kissing, melting into each other.

With each heavy steps, I recall our memories and specially our firsts.....
Like the first time I met you on that bus stop when it was raining so heavily. I was taking shed under the  stand cover cursing the weather to rain on my important day when I saw a man approaching me drenched completely weird!!!( u don't find it weird right but it actually was) cause he was carrying an umbrella still he didn't use it. He came to me and said
" I guess you need it more than me I know its your important day so have it and give your best shot. Cause I know you gonna make it". After saying this he left me confused or better say shocked with that umbrella. I used that though and he was right I made it. That day I was actually happy with rain and that stranger.

After few days from incident I got a message :"It would be good if you can return my umbrella and treat me with coffee as a thank you". Beside being curious about this know-it-all stranger I was bit scared too but keeping everything aside I decided to meet the stranger. We met in a coffee shop firstly I hesitated but later on we talked alot.

After finishing this thank-you date we head to our ways. He insisted on dropping me back. He was my senior so he knew about each events and details of his juniors. While walking back he asked me how I feel  about  monsoon. I told him that I love rain but only when I am inside my room near my window, i love hear rain droplets hitting the earth but i hate being drenched in it. He just chuckled and said that he love the rain so much that feeling each and every raindrops hitting his body give him a different enthusiasm and like that talking about every little things we reached our destination and after then we both develop a sort of bond and chemistry.

Time pass by and sooner it came for his finals and farewell. In these 4 years we haven't confessed to each other but we both knew that we were the only one for each other. It was the day of farewell party. Every senior have to come with a date. He too came with his date about whom I knew from last week cause he have told me for thousand of times that "date should not be the one whom you love right!! Its just a formality for me and you trust me na"....

The party begins with cheerful loud sounds of music along with strong smell of alcohol and reeking nast of hormonal adults.  As the night proceed things turn intense at a point where my whole existance came to halt when I saw him kissing his date in front of my eyes. My eyes welled up with tears and after for a good minutes of one or two analysing my surrounding tears began to flow and I ran from that place as fast as I can separating them in result. While running I saw him in his eyes that pain made me doubt that whether he is at fault or not. But I had no strength of facing him right now and i ran to my room and cried myself to sleep.

Next morning when I woke up I saw his 100 messages and 78 missed calls. I don't know what i was feeling betrayed or broken. Cause he hasn't confessed so how is he mine to feel cheated or betrayed by him nor I talked to him about my feelings.  
So shutting all my internal debates. I locked myself inside my room for straight two days. All time crying and confusing my mind I avoided him completely neither his calls were answered nor the messages were read.

On third night it again began to rain so hard that lead to powercut admist of darkness and a faint yellow light of  candle I was gazing the pitch black sky pouring down rain it felt like even heaven was sympthazing with me. 
In the middle of heavy rain I saw a familiar figure standing in front of my  house visible from my window. That figure was there since past two hour. Not moving and not even flinching by heavy thundrous rain. Standing still for waiting rain to back down. I thought of knowing the one but i ignored it, after so much battles inside my head I decided to check my phone.

I had several messages from him and one from unknown. I clicked open the message from unkown that read " I envy you after trying all my best to make him mine. He chose you over me and then I made my move and kissed him intentionally in front of you so that you leave him. It actually happened the way I've planned but he is completely mad for you. He told me that you love him more than anything and he do the same. So he is only yours even if you reject him or accept he will never be anyone's other than you."  This text was like a sudden hard slap on my face that awaken me from my daze. He love me so much and I didn't trust him enough to explain me his side.

Right then i called him but he didn't pick my call then I tried texting him while doing I read his message that he recently sent me reading" I can never let myself loose you I will wait for your forgiveness. I am in front of your house love. Please hear me once please I beg you."    I was shocked was an understatement I was stunned. I ran from my room to main gate and opened it to see the figure i felt familiar standing in middle of rain is him. I ran to him and hugged him so tight like my life depend on him. He pulled me away and we stare deep into each other's soul and with all courage I let " I love you" slip out of my mouth audible enough for him to hear and before waiting for his reply I closed the gap between us. I kissed him our lips move in sync and both of us just melt into each other. Suddenly the rain which was sympathising with me seems to be enjoying our confession and recoincilation.

After that day, every monsoon we enjoyed together. I also remembered the day when you propsed me to be yours for forever that day also it rained heavily and drenched us both.

And today when its raining and I am drenched but alone. I finally reached hospital and asked for his room no. As i reached his room I met the doctor and was assured that he is fine and needed lots of rest nothing to worry.

As I came inside his room, he was sitting at the edge of his bed with a plastered arm looking out of window and admiring the rain. As his attention shifts to me he chuckled and said " I got to know it now why you love sitting in room whlie admiring rain then drenching". After seeing him smiling I felt my world again at peace and I also replied him " I also got to know why you love drenching in rain" we both stared into each other for a whlie then burst into laughter.            

Monsoon for us is like symbol of hope and new love.

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