Chapter One: Emerald

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"Em, please don't leave me," My father begs.

"Daddy, you're embarrassing me. It's just a few days trip and before you say anything, no, you can't come with me." I deadpan.

I understand where dad is coming from, a couple of years ago, we lost mom to cancer. It was hereditary for her, her mother lost her life to that deadly disease too. Dad was so broken, for a few months, he stopped talking to any of us, my brother and I.

I will say that was the worst times of my life, I lost my mom and then again, it felt like I was losing my father who I've been closed to all my life. So I went into depression, leaving my brother to fend for us two alone. Being the good person he is, Silver never showed any form of inconvenience, he went through it all with me, I think that was what woke my father from the slumber he gave himself.

He was so shattered when he saw what his silence turned me into, he blamed himself for it. I remember he said to me during a therapy session, "Em, you're the splitting image of your mom. I should be thankful for having a second chance, instead, I pushed you away, I pushed everything that reminded me of her away just because I didn't want to be reminded that she died in my arms and I couldn't do anything to save her. Em, I felt less of a man then, but not anymore because I'm not going to lose my second spitfire."

Well which explains why dad is so overprotective of me and not just him alone, my brother too.

My father sighs, knowing just how stubborn I am. Glad I inherited that from mom, in fact, I got most of my looks from her. Same red hair, attitude, outstanding personality, body shape, almost everything except for my emerald eyes which I got from my grandmother and instead of her round face, I inherited dad's diamond chiseled one.

Yes! Good looks runs in my family. With his tall height, looks that will definitely make David Beckham green with envy, my dad is a stunner, a hot one.

Let's not forget about my brother, Silver. He's just a younger version of my father, biggest player and soon to be CEO, guess that inflates his whoring ways more. Looks, money and a charming personality, girls weaknesses and he has them all.

He may be a total manhore but he's the best brother any girl can ever ask for, a big softie at heart. And you're probably wondering why we got colour's names, well according to what mom told us when we were younger, she chose our names. She actually named us after our orbs' colour, which we never questioned, at least, we stand out which is pretty unique and special. It's no secret that I love my name, it feels like mom knew I would gladly accept and appreciate it, my mother was one amazing spitfire.

"I'm not going to win this conversation right?" Dad asks, with a slightly raised brow.

"Yes dad, you know it. And if something goes wrong- I'm not saying something will though, besides, I have Uncle Gigi's contact with me, so I'd just give him a call. I promise dad, I'll be fine and no bodyguards. Trust me, I can see the wheels turning in your head and it's a girls trip daddy, Steph would be there including the Hayden girls and you know they are my closest friends, we practically grew up together, you know them well. Infact, they're all there already, I'm the only one left. Do you want me to miss my life changing trip and blame you for it in the future daddy? Mom used to say regrets are a waste of time. Don't do this to me daddy.

Please daddy. Please! Please! Pretty please!" I pout, giving him my best puppy dog eye, that always works.

Dad huffs. "Fine, you win with these your doll eyes but promise me you're going to call me every time, within two or three days interval Em?" He asks worriedly. Told you the puppy dog eye would work and it did.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you daddy!" I say excitedly, I run into his waiting arms. He pats my back affectionately, I know it's a hard decision for him. I smile mentally, I have the best father in the whole world which makes me the luckiest girl in the whole wide world.

"Promise me you'll call me every two days?" Dad asks for the umpteenth time. We arrived at the airport half an hour ago.

"Yes daddy, I will or you would go ballistic and burn down Italy." I say sarcastically.

He laughs.

"Oh my dear, you remind me of your mother a lot. I wish she was here, I wish she could see how much you've grown and how much you continue to exhibit her character. I'm so happy God gave you to us my baby, I'm so happy." He says with streamed tears in his eyes. He pulls me into a hug one more time, wetting the back of my shirt with tears.

It doesn't matter though.

"Let it all out daddy, let it all out now." I mumble.

I rub his back, wiping a few stray tears. "It's okay now, no more tears, happy days, remember?"

He needed that.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine." He says, pulling out of our embrace.

I smile at him, "I love you daddy and I don't want to leave you but I got to go or else, I'm gonna miss my flight. We both know how cranky I can get if that happens."

"It's alright darling, leaving your old man once again." He says, acting like a bitter old lady.

I laugh out. "That's not true daddy, you're not old. You're just 57, and you're a poor actor."

"Tell Alessandro I love him."

"Your brother doesn't like it when you call him by his middle name. He prefers Silver, I can't agree more with him, it sounds like a very powerful name. Silver Alessandro Reynolds, the heir to Reynolds Industries. I can already see the headline for New York times next week."

And oh, I forgot to tell you, my dear Alessandro is taking over the reins of the company from dad next week.

I can see my own headline already, 'New York Play-boy, Silver Reynolds takes over from billionaire daddy.'

"Of course you can daddy, ciao daddy. A presto." I smile. I turn my back on him as I walk into the airport, heading straight for the counter.

Sicily, here I come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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