Glossary P1 - The Darkling Accords

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This glossary contains key reference information within Blood Moon Born, including maps of locations, translations of runes and Sa-Ilari, and more:


Clause 1The kingdom of Siimone now makes the distinction between Mortal Darklings and Void Darklings. The following darklings are considered Mortal Darklings:Vampires - Nightwalking, bloodsucking creatures that exist all across the Known WorldLycans - Shapeshifters that transform into wolves during the full moonWitches - Practical mages who draw magic from a source outside of themselves or practice black magicMermaids - Half-human / half-fish creatures who dwell mostly in the Pyramid Seas between @[Sa](organization:9fa59521-847b-4412-9106-4879a51be54f)‌, @[Kiarna Islands](organization:7382b920-c078-4136-a9a1-b8c53070682b)‌, and IsindelFae - Old creatures made of magic that keep to themselves and are very rarely seen in the presence of other mortals. Most often mortal incarnations of various animal spiritsNymphs - like fairies: mortal incarnations of nature spiritsShapeshifters - Any mortal that can transform into an animal, other darklings, or mimic other mortalsClause 2Under the Siimonien Darkling Accords, Mortal Darklings are granted the same rights and protections as mortal citizens of Siimone.

Clause 3In order to receive permanent protections under the Siimonien crown, Mortal Darklings must register with their regional lord/governor in the first 3 years after the accords are passed or their first 3 years in Siimone.

Clause 4Employers, property owners, and schools may not discriminate against Mortal Darklings. Employers found violating this clause may be prosecuted by their local courts, pay fines, and spend up to five years in prison.

Clause 5Mortal Darklings are permitted to own property in Siimone

Clause 6Mortal Darklings are permitted to start, own, and maintain their own businesses

Clause 7Mortal Darklings who have registered as citizens in their region are permitted to vote in all regional elections

Clause 8Under the Darkling Accords, marriages between mortal citizens and Mortal Darkling citizens of Siimone are legal and permitted

Clause 9Vampires - Vampires are permitted to drink the blood of consenting Siimonien citizens under the Darkling Accords. Vampires who acquire mortal blood without consent or kill mortals when draining them will be prosecuted accordingly by their regional courts

Clause 10Lycans - Lycans who harm or kill mortals will be prosecuted accordingly by their regional courts, regardless of whether or not the violence happened during a full moon

Clause 11Witches - Witches may not use mortals as sources of magic to pull from. Any witches who use mortals as a source of magic or are found practicing forbidden/black magic will be prosecuted accordingly by their regional courts

Clause 12Open hunting/killing of Mortal Darklings is now against Siimonien law. Such cases will be evaluated and prosecuted by regional Siimonien courts and the overseeing Hunters Guild

Clause 13Darkling hunters must now register and operate under the oversight of their local Hunters Guild. All hunting cases will be approved by the Guild Leader, who must report to their court liaison

Clause 14Any Mortal Darkling who breaks Siimonien laws will be handled in regional Siimonien courts. Any Siimonien citizen who takes the prosecution of these darklings into their own hands will be arrested and tried for their crimes.

*Siimonien Lawmakers may add additional clauses to this living document as the years progress.

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