Prologue [2]

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I held onto my navy hood as the cold breeze came by, blowing leaves into my face. I pulled the hood onto my face more as I continued walking on the path, gazing at the healthy environment surrounding the place. I noticed a dark rosewood carriage with gold coloured decorations on it coming my way. I moved out of the way and onto the grass so it can pass. While waiting for it to pass by, I looked at the village that I'd just been to behind me. I watched all the people walking by and minding their own business. I hadn't noticed the carriage had stopped in front of me until a man stepped out of it, busting the door open like he's some kind of king. Although, when you looked at him though, he indeed looked like a king. A rotten one.

He wore a long red cape behind him, dragging along. He had a jacket that was dark purple-ish black and golden highlights. A lot like his carriage. His overweight lumps were extremely visible since the clothing was far too small for him. He had a large crown that was untidily placed on his head.

He lifted his hand and pointed at me. "You," he said in a demanding tone.

I lifted an eyebrow and looked around in case anyone was around. There wasn't.

"Yes?" I replied with an uncertain tone.

The large man looked at me as if he expected me to do something. Imagine what I was thinking. A huge man wearing a child's king costume has just stepped out of a carriage and pointed at me, and now is expecting something. I thought he was mad. What I hadn't realised though, was that he was the king. King Khelophita Kuroo the first.

"Well? Aren't you going to bow? I'm the king, you know?" Khelophita demanded in a calm but disturbed tone.

"Sorry, I don't bow down to foolish brats who call themselves a king when clearly, they're just being childish," I replied with a slight glare.

The man's face changed into a frustrated one. "I wasn't asking. Bow," he demanded once more.

I shook my head in response. "What a child.." I mumbled before snickering. "Can't even make his own 'kingdom' bow before him."

It seemed as though I hit a nerve. The man took out his hand and was about to slap me. I got out of the way in time. "Sir? Have you upgraded from foolish to stupid?" I asked with a slight smirk, provoking the man. "Oh, right, you were always stupid."

The man made an irritated expression before yelling, "Guards!"

I raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. A second later, a group of men wearing armour rushed over and bowed.

"Yes, your highness?" they said in unison.

Then it was, that I had realised. This guy was the real deal.

"You know, I was going to ask you if you wanted a job at the palace," the man laughed. "But people with that attitude aren't invited as guests, are they now?"

I knew I wouldn't be forgiven if I begged for forgiveness now. I knew I'd probably be shot. I knew all that. However, I got on my knees and bowed, asking for forgiveness.

The large man came over and pulled off my hood. He grabbed by my neck and pulled my face back up to face him. His eyes widened as he looked at me. He looked as though he had just witnessed something groundbreaking. A second or two later, I felt pain against my face. He had slapped me. I made a pissed expression and opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. What is wrong with this man? I thought to myself. He muttered something under his breath and walked back into the carriage. All I heard was distinctive chatter. My head got a bit fuzzy and I felt myself fall over. I felt a small pain in my back, making me grow weaker and weaker.

I went unconscious.




I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a small cage. A blurry one. Ones you'd see in prisons. I noticed that indeed, I was in a prison, and a group of people were looking at me through the bars. Chattering. Whispering. Giggling. Although it was blurry without my glasses, I was able to see everyone's disturbing chatter. I was so confused. I slowly got up, looking at the row of people standing there. A man came in from behind me and kicked my head back down against the cold stone ground. I gritted my teeth a bit in pain.

"What's with that damned face!?" the man shouted.

A sea of murmuring followed before people's comments flooding everywhere.

"What's wrong with his eyes?"

"Why's his nose so big?"

"His hair is so hideous!"

"He's so skinny!"




And many, many more.

I could't speak. I was so confused about how I got there. I was so confused about what these people were doing there. I couldn't think straight.

I felt pain against my body everywhere. People had entered the cage. They pulled my hair. Slapped me. Kicked me. Bruised me. Punched me. Broke me. And all I did was sit there. I still felt drowsy and dizzy, but I felt the pain and saw the damage, and yet nothing came to mind. It was as though I was paralysed mentally.

I slowly passed out onto the floor.

-T I M E S K I P-

I opened my eyes slowly and saw a dark liquid in front of me. In fact, everywhere was dark. I felt my entire body ache and whimpered in pain. I felt myself again. I couldn't move due to the pain. I felt tears stream down my face. I saw bruises left on my arms, legs and everywhere.

The dark liquid, was actually coming from me. Blood. Everywhere.

The cold surrounded me, making me shiver intensely. I shut my eyes quickly, still feeling the tears fall down my cheek.

And that's how we got here.

And this is what happened to me every time. I would be harassed in every way possible and the reasoning behind it that I had been told was that I wasn't needed in the world.

One thing that puzzled me though was that..

If they thought that, why haven't they killed me yet?



So far, this story will not make sense. For example, the stupidity in people's actions. Although, it'll make sense later in the story, trust me.

Heyo. Uhm, thank you for reading this chapter, I'm sorry there was so much violence, but it's apart of the story, and stuff, so yeah.

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