Prince [3]

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[Weeks After Ch.1]

The pain in my head slowly woke me from my slumber. My eyes fluttered open to the sound of a bang. I couldn't see much. It was dark, and blurry without my glasses. But I saw light. I slowly picked myself up from the mini puddle of blood below me and sat up, unsure of what will happen next. I saw a silhouette appear in the light. A human. They walked in, looking directly at me. They had hair that rose upwards and were rather tall. They walked ever so close to me, and I put my hands up in defence.

They're going to hit me, aren't they? Don't they think I've had enough for today? I thought to myself as I lowered my head, and shut my eyes tight, moving one of my hands down to my stomach, where someone had stabbed earlier. I felt blood drip onto my hands as I did so, although that was rather normal now.

"What are you doing?" I heard the figure ask, as they were less than a meter away from me.

My eyes slowly opened again, and I looked up at them.

"..A-Aren't you going to hit me now?" I asked, shivering in the cold still.

The figure tilted their head. "Eh? No way," they replied.

My eyes slightly widened. Then why were they there?

I could tell from the voice that it was a male speaking, although I had no idea who or what they looked like.

"Get in the light, I can't see you very well," he said in a rather calm voice.

I hesitantly tried to crawl over to the light, however the pain in my stomach didn't allow me. I paused in place with a slight whimper.

The man crouched down and moved me back so that I was leaning on the wall behind me, still sitting. He moved my hand away from my stomach and replaced it with his own.

"You're injured," he said softly, looking back at me.

"Well, thank you for the stating the obvious, genius," I replied, rolling my eyes at their statement.

The man chuckled softly. "You're rather snarky for a prisoner, aren't you?" he asked.

I could tell the corners of his lips were curved over into a smirk as he spoke. I felt one of his arms go beneath my knees, and the other on my back. He slowly lifted me up, princess-style. I panicked and hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck, scared of falling down. I hadn't been lifted like this since I was a kid.

"Eh? You're pretty skinny for a male," the man commented as he walked over to the door.

"Put me down!" I said hesitantly, covering my eyes by stuffing my face into the other man's chest since my eyes kind of hurt after seeing light since I had been in the dark for so long.

He slowly put my down on a soft surface and I slowly opened my eyes again, scanning the room with my eyes. I was clueless to why this man even got me out of there. Let alone why nobody was stopping him.

"You're as beautiful as they say, I see," the man commented.

I looked up at him. My vision was still blurry, but I saw a very tall man with dark messy hair. He had a strong build and wore royal clothing.

 (He was wearing this)

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(He was wearing this)

I hadn't seen anyone else in the palace wear those clothes, so I couldn't tell what rank he was, if he was apart of the royals anyway. 

"Inuoka-chan," the man called out.

A younger male, wearing the servants uniform and brown hair going upwards rushed over.

"Yes, your highness?" the brown haired male asked. 

Your highness? I thought to myself. He's the prince?!

"Get Miyu-chan," the black haired man said. "He needs medical assistance."

"Right away, sir. But, may I just ask why you're helping the prisoner?" the brown haired male asked hesitantly.

I wanted to know that too. Why on earth would the prince ever help me? Pity?

"None of your concern," the black haired male replied in a cool way, sending the brunette on his way.

I looked back up at the prince, utterly speechless. 

The dark haired male turned and looked back at me before crouching down, eye level to me and placing his hand on my cheek. He gently nuzzled my face, sort of soothing me in a way. I looked away, avoiding eye contact with him. I heard him chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I mumbled in a low volume, unsure of what the prince would do.

"Nothing~ You're just so cute is all," he smirked before laughing

He moved away his hand as another woman walked in, wearing a royal nurse's uniform.

I could already tell from that moment. This guy pisses me off.


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