Hospital again...

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^Izuku's/Karma's pov^
'Izu-chan~' 'K-karma-kun? Where are we right now?' 'Don't worry." Mom" and kacchan found us about 2 hours ago it's almost lunch time. You need to wake up also don't freak out but we're a neko now.' 'So we really Met all for one and the league?' I struggle to open my eyes. The lights blinding me as I pulled the cords attached to me off. After hitting the ground I stood up only to hear a nurse coming with my Angry Pomeranians. In a panic I jumped out the window and landed on all fours. "Wow so we are able to land on all fours." "Of course we can, silly ka-chan." I giggle as 2 kittens come to me. A small orange kitten and an all black kitten. 'Are you alright?' The worried orange kitten asked us.' Huh so we can talk to felines now.' 'I'm izuku.' Words appeared in my mind so I spoke them. "Create body double!" And to my surprise a body similar to mine appeared infront of me. I mentally pushed karma into the body double. "So i finally get a body of my own ~" He said. The appearance changed it now has red eyes and black hair we were both wearing hospital gowns. I then remember the kittens and looked back at them as we ran back to our house. "So do the kittens have names?" 'No' they answer in unison. "Can we give you names?" 'Sure' Maybe i can... I look back at the kittens and spoke the words that came to mind. "Transformation human form!" They began to glow before transforming.

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