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Harith knew all of it. How Nana and Harley looks at him. Their small gestures, all of it. When Harith knew he can't help but be proud and be shocked. I mean who can resist him? He can't help but brag about it. Alucard was proud while Granger just told him to do the right choices. He didn't really understand Granger though.

Harith wanted their love and appreciation so he was pretty smug about it. He didn't really thought about their feelings though, he thought it was nothing else. He just wanted to feel their love for him. Ever since he was a child he never had someone to love him. But now he has people that he loves and they love him back.

It was back then Harith just met them, it was just like yesterday when they were playing around the park when they were just children. It was always a fun day back then. Now he can't help but feel a little awful fot the both of them. He didn't know what to do but pretend to be dense. It wasn't like he didn't like them. He can't chose who. He needs some nap time, he doesn't like complicated situations. He has totally forgotten Harley's invitation.

Granger walked in to see Harith sleeping on the couch, he knew exactly what was Harith's thoughts. He just wanna beat Alucard for influencing him. Now he has to call Lesley by informing her, Harith is not coming.


Harley wasn't suprised if Nana escaped, that's why he tried to end the argument soon as possible. "Ugh, imma talk to Nana now." Harley tries to walk away from his annoying sister. "Wow, backing off so soon little brother?" Lesley perked her left eyebrow. Harley just fumes off. "Shut up sis!" Harley opens the door leading to his room.

"Nana, you can leave now, Lesley was just joking-.. Where is she?" An open window can be seen in the background, the sunset slowly leaving towards the night. Harley would know that Nana will have a sprained ankle tomorrow if she didn't land safely, how? Well he used to do it before and would always get a lecture from his big sister. Despite being rivals he didn't want Nana to be hurt, he didn't want anybody to be hurt, he has a heart too you know? Nana was still his best friend in a way.

Harley would just ask her wellbeing tomorrow, for now he'll just relax. Harith was always in his mind, making him crazy back then when he realized he was in love with the said cat. But now he learned to accept himself and his fate. Memories flood back when they were just children.


"Nana come back here!" a squeaky voice went out, a young boy chasing a little girl with pink hair.

The two little kids were chasing around the playground not caring anything. A girl with a short hair cut and a boy with a magician hat were running. The boy chased the short girl.

The little girl turned around and sticked her tongue out to the young boy. "Only if you catch me!" The little girl bumped into a boy with cat-like ears.

A boy with white hair along with some cat ears and tail smiled at the little girl.

"Mind if I join?" the cat boy said to the two. The young boy stopped in his tracks to stare at him. He doesn't know how but his heart was moving rapidly fast.

"Of course you can, right Harley?" the little girl look back at her friend. "Harley, your face is red, are you okay?" the girl asked poked his cheek making him snap back to reality. "O-Oh of course it's okay!" the young boy named Harley exclaimed.

"The name is Harley, the handsome magician ever!" Harley finally regained his thoughts. The little girl just shrugged and went to introduce herself as well. "My name is Nana, you better not poke me!" Nana huffed and crossed her arms.

Now it was the cat boy's turn to introduce himself. "Well, my names Harith." the boy smiled at the two. Harley was in a daze again, is this what they call love... Ew yuck, feelings are disgusting. Especially towards a boy. Harley just ignored this and just played with the other two.

Nana noticed Harley's behavior but didn't mind, she doesn't want to pry in to others thoughts. That's what Miya always taught her, never bother other people when they are deep in thought. So she just ignored it.

Harith actually can't believe it, he managed to make friends. It wasn't actually hard as he thought, just like Alucard said. He actually has fun with other children for the first time.

A few months pass and the trio became the best of friends, although there was a problem of one of them. Harley was going crazy, he didn't like the things what was happening to him. Whenever Harith smiles, when he laughs, everything! He can't describe how irritated he was when his heart beats out of nowhere. He can't accept the fact he was in love with his best friend. Never.

Okay forget what he said back then, he has come to the conclusion he can't stop his feelings whatever he would do, he just can't stop it. Despite being gay, he felt free when he final accepted himself. He actually can't believe it. He just wished that Harith feels the same way.


That was 4 years ago, and still he can't even utter the words 'I like you' to Harith but now that Nana is also pushing forward he has to push forward as well or else he'll be left behind.

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