Quarantine Part 3 Breast or Thigh?

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"I'm sorry I shrunk it, sweetie. But hopefully this will help."

Casey took his shirt from his Mom, feeling self conscious. He pulled off his old shirt, belly bouncing free of the tight fabric, and he quickly pulled on the new shirt.

"You look so handsome!" Lynn declared, smoothing the fabric against his swollen middle. "I'm glad I could save this shirt. It looks so good on you. The new dryer certainly did a number on it, but my little guy looks perfect."

Casey smiled, rubbing his hefty gut. "It feels good. It doesn't even look like it's been let out."

"Just a little."

Casey shook his head, amused by his Mom's justifications. The reality was that he'd been home eleven days and put on fifteen pounds, which made his already tight wardrobe almost unwearable.

People usually take a year to gain the freshman fifteen. Casey thought, rubbing his love handles. I managed to do it in less than two weeks, and I'm not even a freshman.

And truthfully, he didn't mind. At least not that much. The difference between 308 and 323 wasn't that obvious. He knew he was fat either way. He did, however, want to make sure he was wearing clothes that fit, because even if 15 pounds wasn't a lot on a three hundred plus pound body, it definitely stood out when he wore ill fitting clothing.

And since Casey was going to hang out with his parents' border, he didn't want to wear tight clothes. After eleven days of pretty much seeing only his parents, it would be nice to hang out with someone his own age, so he didn't want the focus to be on his belly straining against the buttons on his shirt.

"Well, have fun, sweetie." His Mom told him, packing up her sewing materials. "And be sure to grab the picnic basket in the kitchen."


"She's a sweet girl." Lynn insisted. "And her Mom isn't here to take care of her, so you make sure you take it."

Casey shook his head, but he obediently went into the kitchen for the basket. Whoa. He thought, lifting up the heavy basket. She went all out.

He took the basket out the side door and went around to the backyard just as Avery came out of her apartment.

"Hi!" She said cheerfully. "Perfect timing."

"Hi, Avery." Casey said, a little shyly. "My Mom, uh, she sent a picnic?"

"Oh my gosh, your Mom is so thoughtful!" Avery gushed, setting a bowl of chips and a plate of brownies on the table. "I brought some snacks too, but I should have guessed your Mom would send something."

Casey smiled, setting the basket down beside a two litre bottle of Coke and two glasses. "Yeah, she has a problem."

Avery laughed. "It's not a problem. It's sweet."

Yeah, I guess it just makes a problem for me. Casey thought, feeling his cheeks warm up as he remembered the last time he'd seen Avery. Somehow they'd kind of joked about his Dad's weight, but even though Avery had seemed to find the conversation amusing, Casey had felt embarrassed about it later on. Joking about how fat his Dad was kind of funny, but obviously those jokes applied to Casey too.

At least she didn't seem judgmental about it. Casey thought, opening the picnic basket. She actually just seems to really like my parents.

And in the handful of texts Casey and Avery had exchanged over the past Reno days she hadn't mentioned it. The word fat seemed to have disappeared from her vocabulary, which was fine by a Casey.

"Oh, wow."

"What is it?" Avery asked, stepping closer to look in the basket. She looked up at Casey, eyes wide. "Can we—?" She motioned into the basket so Casey nodded.

"I didn't realize how much she'd packed." He explained, watching as Avery pulled out sandwiches, fried chicken, a pie, a loaf of fresh bread with a sealed bowl of garlic butter, a plate of cookies, homemade donuts, and a meat and cheese plate.

"It smells so good!"

Casey was glad he'd eaten before meeting up with Avery, because it did smell good.

Hopefully a full stomach will keep me from eating too much in front of Avery. Casey thought, pulling out plates and utensils. I don't want to embarrass myself.

"Your Mom is amazing." Avery told him, pouring two glasses of coke. "And I have to admit, I'm starving." She shrugged. "I've been eating a lot of ramen and canned food." She admitted. "I could definitely use a real meal."

"Well, dig in." Casey suggested. "My Mom won't be happy if I bring this all back."

Avery didn't need to be told twice, and a few minutes later she had a tiny bit of everything on her plate. Casey had a little bit more of everything on his plate, figuring he could get away with eating more without looking like a glutton because he was so much bigger than she was.

"Did you do the reading for psych?" Avery asked, referring to the one class they'd discovered they shared.

"Yeah, it was pretty dry." Casey admitted.

"Unlike the chicken in this sandwich." Avery observed, holding up a small triangle of sandwich. "Did your Mom ever consider being a chef?"

"My Dad used to be a chef, actually." Casey admitted. "Now he does the business side of a bunch of restaurants."

"That's cool. No wonder your parents know good food."

Casey glanced at her to see if there was any teasing or meanness in her observation, but she was just smiling kindly. "Sometimes that can be a bad thing." He ventured, wanting her to know that he knew he and his family were fat. Somehow it seemed more embarrassing to pretend that they weren't obese.

But Avery just shook her head and pushed the fried chicken towards him. "Your parents just know to enjoy the good things in life. Do you prefer breast or thigh?"

"Thigh." Casey admitted, taking a piece. "But big breasts are good too." He looked at her in shock at his own words. "Oh, I didn't mean to suggest—"

Casey broke off, his face burning, but Avery suddenly laughed, sitting up straighter so her rather large breasts shifted. "So you don't like big breasts?" She teased. "Are you body shaming me?"

Casey laughed as she parroted his teasing words back to her, his face still burning. "I just meant I like big chicken breasts. Not that—I mean yours are very—I'm sure that I would—"

Avery laughed again. "It's a lot more fun to tease you than to have you tease me."

Casey made a face, sneaking a peek at her. She did have big breasts. She had a fairly slim build, but her breasts were round and perky. It wasn't as if Casey hadn't noticed her curvy figure or her pretty face. He had. He just knew girls like her—any type of girl, really—didn't look at guys like him.

"Have another sandwich." Avery suggested, sliding the plate closer. "We don't want your Mom to be unhappy."

Casey obeyed because he was still too embarrassed to speak.

"Do you like games?" Avery asked, slicing the bread and adding another piece to each of their plates. "I brought out cribbage. I figure we can eat and play...?"

"Oh, yeah. I like games." Casey said agreeably. He watched Avery deal, glad for the change in topic.

"Good. Me too."

"As much as you like teasing me?"

"Almost as much as you like big breasts." Avery shot back, using tongs to add the last chicken breast to his plate.

"Well, I'm a twenty year old, hetero male." Casey pointed out, cutting the deck. "So you must really like games."

Avery laughed and flipped a card, but Casey noticed she held her cards a little lower, giving him a nice view of her cleavage.

He smiled as they played. Even if she's not interested, I'm sure it's nice to feel desired. He thought, sneaking a peek. I bet I'd like to feel desired, but my breasts are almost as big as hers. That wasn't really true, but it did feel nice to know she wasn't disgusted by the idea of him noticing her breasts. Some people disliked even the notion that fat people had sexual desires.

"I can't believe you won." Avery protested at the end of the game. "I thought I had you there."

"My last hand was lucky." Casey pointed out. "Three fives and a six, and a four gets turned up?"

"Yeah, that's true." Avery scooped another piece of pie onto Casey's plate. "Eat this. Your Mom won't be happy if we don't eat it."

Casey felt heat creep up on his cheeks as he realized how much he'd eaten. Nearly all of the food was gone, and Avery had eaten very little.

"I can't—I shouldn't—"
"You're right. We need ice cream." Avery said standing up. "You can't have pie without ice cream. There's nothing worse than dry pie or dry breasts." She teased.

Casey laughed, feeling embarrassed as she disappeared into her apartment.

She reappeared in seconds, a small tub of ice cream in one hand. Casey swallowed hard as she leaned over, scooping ice cream onto his plate, her breasts swelling forward. There was a distinctive twinge in his pants, and a playful smile on her face when she looked up, but she didn't comment.

They played another round, which Avery won, and then they cleaned up.

"Eat this last cookie." She insisted, offering him a big chocolate chip cookie. "Your Mom will be happy we ate everything."

I ate most of it. Casey thought, feeling how tight his stomach was. It was so good, but I made a pig of myself.

Avery didn't seem to think so, and before they parted ways she hesitated and then hugged him. "I had a lot of fun."

"Me too." He admitted, picking up the basket.

"Do you want to—Uh, do you want to hang out tonight?"

Casey nodded automatically. "Yeah. We can have a tie breaker." He suggested.

"And I'll try to whip up something to make up for eating all of your Mom's food."

"Oh, you don't have to—"

But Avery put one hand on his full belly, smiling. "I want to."

Casey couldn't stop smiling when he walked into his house. It had been a long time since he'd had that much fun, and it definitely didn't hurt that Avery was so pretty.

I shouldn't have eaten so much though. He chastised himself. She must think I'm a pig, but I'm not that bad, am I?

"Oh, hi sweetie." Lynn said as her son came into the kitchen. "You're just in time for dinner."

"Oh, I don't—"

"I made your favourite."

Casey rested one hand on his distended gut. "I guess a little bit couldn't hurt."

Unfortunately, his Mom didn't know the meaning of a little bit.

And neither did Casey.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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