Reading dirty fan-fic together/getting caught reading it

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(If you didn't know "y/n" means your name)

Ronnie: you and Ronnie were laying on the couch watching a movie when you got bored and went on your phone, you were on Instagram when you saw a fan comment on one of you photos and it said "check out my Ronnie fan-fic ;), *link to story on wattpad*. You decided to click on it when Ronnie said "y/n what are you doing?" "I just clicked on this link to a fan-fic a fan commented on my Instagram." You heard a groan from Ronnie "y/n that's not a good idea." you being you didn't listen. you read a little , and you gasped at how dirty it was, you heard a slight chuckle from Ronnie. you instantly turned off your phone " REMIND ME NEVER TO LOOK AT FAN FIC FANS TELL ME TO!" You yelled, and Ronnie bursts out laughing.
(Sorry it was long)

Ryan: You were scrolling through Twitter when you saw a fan tweeted you "hey y/n check this out ;) *link to fan-Fic*" you decided to check it out. your were reading it and then Ryan came into the room and asked "what are you reading babe?" "Nothing" you replied, and shut off your phone. Ryan came over and took your phone right from your hands, you tried to grab it back but he wouldn't let you. he started to read the fan-Fic, and said "y/n why would you be reading this when you already have me, you can do this to me any time you want." he through you your phone, and left the room and you just say there awkwardly.

Derek: you and Derek decided to read dirty fan-Fic, that a fan sent you a link to. "so this is what they want to do to me." Derek said. I gaged at how disgusting this was, Derek just chuckled and said "y/n don't pretend you don't want to try this." And you started to blush bright red, while Derek began to laugh.
(Sorry it was shorter than the other)

Jacky: one day you randomly asked jacky "babe have you ever read dirty fan-Fic about yourself?" Jacky just looked at you confused and asked "no, but why ask that?" You just motioned him to come over and he looked at your laptop and started to read. He instantly closed the laptop and look at you in disgust, you just chuckled. "why would you read something like that!?!?!" He asked. "a fan sent me a link to why not." "Oh my god that was terrible, they need Jesus!" He said half jokingly, half not. you just bursted into laughter.

( hoped you guys enjoyed)

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