-27- 🌹 Your Friends

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"I can't pretend like I'm not falling in love. 'Cause I'm falling in love. I met some of your friends the other day. They say you want to but your heart is afraid."
~Isak Danielson, 'I Am Falling In Love'


*Ryland's POV*

"Are you sure you're ready for this? Because it's not too late to cancel."

"I'm sure. It'll be fine, don't worry."

"You don't think it's too soon? We can wait another few months if—"

"Landon, I've already met your family. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine meeting your roommate. Besides, I've been looking forward to meeting your friends."

"Okay, but be prepared," Landon warns me. "He's kind of weird."

"Just open the damn door."

He sighs, turning his key in the lock and pushing the door open. Before I can even take a step inside, a loud shout has me stumbling backwards.

"Holy shit, is that him?!" A grinning face appears in the doorway, leaning in close to inspect me. My eyes are immediately drawn to the piercings in his nose and ears, and the tattoos decorating his left arm.

"Down, boy," Landon scolds, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder to hold him back.

"Fuck off, Landon. You're Ryland, right? I'm Lucca. Don't believe any of the shit you've heard about me from this old bitch over here, okay?"

"Old? We're literally the same age."

"Hush, gramps, the kids are talking," Lucca swats him away before ushering me inside. My gaze roams around the small house. It's cute. Being small makes it feel... cozy. There's a narrow-sized kitchen across from the living room, and from what I can see, three bedrooms with one bathroom. It's a lot smaller than where Kai and I live, but we've also been living in that house since our parents were alive. Lucca and Landon don't need as much space as we did.

"I like your house," I tell them, and Lucca snorts. "No, really, I do. I think it's cute."

"Cute is not really what two grown ass men are going for, but thanks anyway," Lucca grins, plopping down on the beige microfiber sofa. "Welcome to Casa De La Rogues."

I chuckle, taking a seat next to him on the couch. Landon sits on the other side of me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I smile at him before pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"So," Lucca claps his hands together. "Let's hear all the horrible things Landon has told you about me."

"Umm..." I laugh nervously. "He hasn't told me too much about you, aside from the fact that you're both rogues, and you've been friends for years."

"Bullshit," he deadpans. "What else did he tell you?"

"Oh! He said you're weird."

Lucca cracks a smile while Landon remains unbothered, only shrugging as if to say 'it's true'.

"Did he give you the dirt on why I'm a rogue? I bet he would have loved to tell you my tragic backstory."

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