Chapter one: Home again

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ChaosDancer12 and Firehedgehog had a blast writing this story, it was amazing on how Codeverse has grown since 'Ties of Blue' and there will be more of CodeVerse stories in the future from either writer. Stories can be found here or Ao3. Thank you for your patience and support.

She was home, but that didn't matter to her anymore, because it wasn't home anymore, not to her.

Because home to her, was with Grey...

But relationships between a Mortal and a God always ended with a tragedy.

If she was selfish of her, but she had never wanted The Crush to end, it wasn't perfect, but it had stopped one of the reasons why these relationships ended in a tragedy and outside of it, she would age like a mortal....

She broke down, crying and screaming, holding the hand with the ring on it close to her chest, because this, and everything that she had on her, was all that remained of her forever.

But deep within her Soul, a tiny Soul piece beat in time with her own.


She wiped away her tears as the sun came up.... How long had she been crying for? It had been dark when she had arrived here, but now, the sun was rising.

Chaos pulled out her phone, she had turned it off once she had realised that it was technically useless in The Crush, but now that she was back....

She turned it on again, watching as it booted up, only to wince at the huge amount of missed calls and text messages that came up on the screen.

"You dorks..." She whispered, because most of the text messages were basic "Where are you?" messages with emojis and memey messages....

How long had it been since she had seen these?

She looked at the time and date, only to freeze...

She had been trapped there for two whole years, but it had felt a lot longer then that to her...


"INK!" A voice cried happily.

"Heya Dreamy." Ink said softly.

"Everyone was so worried about you... and.. why do you have marrow all over your clothing?!" Dream said, freaking out.

Ink smiled, relaxing, some things never changed.

'Chaos...' He thought sadly.


Her finger hovered over her speed dial button, she did have to let her dorks know that she was okay....

Her phone then started to buzz, and Nightmare's contract information came up on her screen. She snickered, before she took several deep breaths and she answered the call.

"Hello, this is Currently Waiting for a Pickup, how many I snark at you today?" She answered, giggling.

"Chaos.... No.... Too early for snarking..." Nightmare mumbled, before what he said caught up with his brain....

"Cross! Error! Get the fuck up!"

"What is it Boss?" Cross asked.

"Did the candle go out again?"

Those two sounded like they had just gotten up.

"We have to clean up the house, now!"

Wait... Clean up the house?

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