chapter 9

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The movie ended and Bokuto let it's sequel play, but to him it was just background noise to the music of Akaashi's soft breath as his chest rose and fell. At first he tried not to move a muscle, stay ridgid and in the same position, but after a while he relaxed, letting Akaashi rest on him comfortably. He hated to admit it, but at some point he had taken a photo of his sleeping face; his skin had been crawling and his heart hammered in his chest but he hadn't woken up. Luckily.

As the movie was nearing it's end- the credits rolling- and Bokuto was getting ready to pop on the final one of the trilogy, a sharp knock clattered through the apartment.

Akaashi gasped softly, his eyes fluttering open. He brought his hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes and push his face from his pillow. But as he pressed down he found that the pillow was not soft but more firm, muscled. And it had a heart beating under the pressure of his thin fingers.

Akaashi jumped back, his mouth falling open as Bokuto looked at him. He brought his hands up over his mouth and pulled his eyes away from a comfortable looking Bokuto; his gelled hair was beginning to relax and the frost-dipped strands were falling over his forehead in wavy curls.

Akaashi's skin crawled and he could feel heat on his red cheeks, and hear his heart in his ears. He quickly pinned it down to embarrassment, how awful! He had fallen asleep on him! Oh, he had probably been so uncomfortable, and for how long? Had he been there for ages? What day was it?

"I- uh- sorry, Bokuto-san..." but to Akaashi's surprise, he just smiled softly.

"It's okay, Kaashi." His golden eyes were warm in the dim light. "You were really cute anyway." Akaashi screamed in his mind, but tried to keep a straight expression and the red on his face to a minimum. How was Bokuto so calm, and brutally honest?!

"Uh, how- how long was I, um-" he fumbled over sentences but Bokuto understood.

"About three hours? Maybe a little more?" Akaashi opened his mouth to say sorry again but Bokuto's smile made the words die in his throat. "You clearly needed the sleep!"

They looked at each other for a moment, paused in time, before the knock on the door could be heard again, louder and sharper this time.

"KOUTAROU!!!" Komi shouted from his room. "Don't make me go and get that!!"

Bokuto winced and gave Akaashi a fleeting glance before getting up and walking to the door. Akaashi took the moment he was gone to breathe, attempt to collect himself as he fell apart on the sofa.

"Hey, Bo. Can I come in for a bit?"

"Oh, sure!"

He looked up as Kenma walked into the apartment, raising his brows a little when he saw Akaashi.

"Hey Akaashi-kun. Glad to see you again." Kenma plopped down on the sofa, but narrowed his eyes at Akaashi, looking up at Bokuto suspiciously. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked quietly.

"What? No, nothing. Nothing was happening," Akaashi quickly replied, and Kenma gave him one more suspicious glance before shrugging. "A- anyway Kenma-kun, how are you?... Why are you here?"

Kenma had pulled out a Switch from the pocket of his baggy hoodie, and was pulling his bangs from his face to pin them to the back of his head.

"My dorm is a few floors up. I'm fine, just come here when the idiot I live with gets too annoying." Bokuto sighed, sitting on a chair and folding his arms loosely over his chest.

"That bad? This is the fourth day in a row you've come in." Kenma nodded, and Bokuto heaved another sigh. Akaashi wasn't too concerned until he remembered who Kenma shared a dorm with.

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