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I woke up at 7 in the morning everyday because I needed to go to work.
I get up and take a shower, brush my teeth, do the makeup and dress like every day, black clothes with my dark mask.

I get up and take a shower, brush my teeth, do the makeup and dress like every day, black clothes with my dark mask

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I left my house at 8 in the morning and went to my job, don't know why but I have a good feeling about today




When I entered the military barracks...

Amell: Freya I have a job for you come to my office now!!!

Freya: I'm going Amell!!!



I enter the office calmly.

Freya: I am here, what job I will do today??

Amell: Hey Medusa, I will give you a confidential mission and no one needs to know, just you and I.

I sat down in the chair and looked at him with curiosity

Freya: Tell me (Okay I'm getting excited)

Amell: You will be the personal bodyguard of Daren, he is studying in the medical university of **** and he doesn't know about this.

Freya: Why me??? I want to have dangerous missions and you know it.

Amell: I have trust in you to protect him.

Freya: Of what??

Amell: He do illegal car races and we are afraid of what can happen to him if someone catch him alone~

Freya: Wait??? You said "WE", he is one of the members of your family?? (I'm shook)

Amell: Yes!! He is my brother, my older brother. I don't know what to do, I need someone to do this job for me and I only trust in you. I know you did too much for me and I am being selfish to want you to help me in this situation and~

Freya: I will help you!! (Amell never said to me that he has a brother, but I will help him)

Amell: WHAT??

Freya: I will help you Amell, you are my best friend and if you need my help I will never say no to you and you need to understand that.

Amell: THANK YOU MEDUSA!!!! (He hugged me like I was his little sister)

Freya: Now tell me everything about him!!!

Amell: Daren is-is-is

Freya: It's not good right?!?

Amell: NOOOOO~

Freya: okay I will try to investigate how he is, I will not ask you again because I already know he is an idiot. Don't try to lie to me!!! I know you very well.

Amell: thank you for not asking me again. Oh~ I almost forget... take it (he showed me a mini headphone)

Freya: Why do I need that??

Amell: because I need to tell you what to do, I need to help you in some situations and I want to listen to what they say when I can’t see behind the security cameras.

Freya: now I understand!!! (I'm smiling to him, he is too cute)

Amell: Medusa!!!

He looked at me afraid

Freya: tell me

Amell: please don't fall for him!!

Freya: I promise I will be careful. I can't feel in love right now, I am in the middle of my career and you know this is important to me!!

Amell: I am just trying to warn you before this starts

Freya: and I am happy because my BFF is worried about me but you don't need to, I am a powerful woman and nobody can enter my heart before I say "You can" but thank you very much.



In that day the only thing we do was talk about the professors, students and subjects.

I can be myself but I will need to be patient and have calm (This is the difficult part because I am a person who is explosive with little things and he is trying to teach me how I can be calm, I just hope to do this mission well).

Amell: don't forget, he is always with his two friends Jason and Taylor, they are best friends since I remember but you will never see one of them alone.

Freya: okay!!

Amell: they are the kings of the school because they are popular, sexys, hot and they have charm.

Freya: okay?!?!

Amell: don't forget that they have fans, girls and boys who do what they want. If they say "JUMP" they jump, if they say "TAKE YOUR SHIRT OUT" they take their shirt out

Freya: okay~~

Amell: I want you to be yourself, but try not to take too much people to the hospital please I'm begging you

Freya: Okay!!!! It's difficult but I will try!!!!

Amell got up and searched in his desk and showed me a school uniform.

Amell: This is your uniform!! Your size is "M", right?

Freya: Yes you are correct and wow it's beautiful!!! (I am really impressed, but it's too short)

Amell: now!! Go home!! You need to rest because tomorrow will be a difficult day for everyone in that school!!

Freya: what will be my name in this mission?!

Amell: your real name, the surnames will be the only thing different

Freya: I understand!! Don’t you think it’s a bit awkward that they know my real name??

Amell: don't be afraid I will be here to help you

Freya: I know eagle!!

Amell: are you kidding with me in this situation!!!

Freya: Sorry!! I really wanted to tell you that before but just now I could HAHAHAHA!!!

Amel: FREYA!!!!

Freya: okay I am going home!! Tomorrow starts my mission right?!

Amell: right!! Good night Medusa!!

Freya: Good night Amell!!




I arrived home and sat on the sofa.

I opened my computer and started to search information about Daren and his friends (Jason and Taylor)



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