Chapter 5

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I don't own BNHA or Bungo Stray Dogs.

"Get out, we're going to USJ blabla." Aizawa muttered.


"Yeah! It's short for Unforseen Simulation Joint! It's a training ground!"



They had just arrived at USJ and Pro Hero Thirteen was about to explain procedures until a commercial break happen- oh wait. A portal opened. People stepped out.

"Woah! Fake villains too!"

Aizawa got into a battle stance.

"Those aren't fake."

"Wait wha- oh shit!" Without a word, Kurogiri seperated the students. He tried to. The mist dissapeared, revealing Izuku with his finger stretched out.

"Wha-" Kurogiri was knocked out by Izuku.

"Yay! Who's that bird man?" Izuku looked towards the Nomu.

Shigaraki snarled.

"This isn't supposed to happen, how did that NPC knock out Kurogiri? Master will be mad, a NPC cheating, well, that's not important, we still have Nomu to defeat All Might. But he isn't here..."

"This Nomu?" Shigaraki looked at the direction of the voice. Izuku was trying to get the Nomu to strangle him.

"Hey can you order him to choke me? I wanna die!" Izuku grinned.

"NOW'S NOT THE TIME, IZUKU!" Momo yelled. Izuku pouted.

"Fine." Izuku punched the Nomu. It collapsed.


"Ah, I 'erased' his quirk." Izuku grinned at Aizawa, who rolled his eyes.

"This isn't going to plan... This isn't at all!"

Kurogiri woke.

"Kurogiri! Get us ouf of here!"

"Yes master."

Shigaraku turned towards Izuku.

"This isn't the last of us, one day, you'll die by the hands of the League of Villains!"

Izuku grinned.

"I look forward to that day."


There wasn't much after that. Questioning. Reactions from classmates. Bla. Investigations. Finally, they could go home.

"Yay! Finally!" Izuku cheered. Izuku and Momo were walking home, when a girl rushed out from an alley and grabbed Izuku's leg.


"" The girl looked shook. Izuku sensed another person approaching from the alley. He grabbed the girl and Momo and dashed off.

When they reached home. Izuku sat the girl down and asked.

"Who was that guy?"

"There was a guy?" Momo asked curiously.

"That...that" Izuku's eyes widened. Not now, focus on the girl first.

"What's your name?"


"Well, Eri, that's a nice name!" Izuku smiled.

"Let's get you cleaned up shall we?"

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