Attack On Highschool

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"PETRA WAKE UP"!! Eren yelled


"STFU EREN"Petra said

"ooh u said a bad word,MAMA HANJI"

"WAT, titans are here !!"


"what did she say"

"she said "stfu""


"what the hell mom,just stop.

"I'll stop,if YOU stopped saying "bad words"

"fine "

"would you get out of here I'm gonna get dressed"

Fine cmon Eren "

"mama r u sure she's my sister"Eren says as he walks out of Petra's room

"ok,"Hanji said weirdly

**AT SCHOOL**Petra's pov doe***

I walls down the hallway as she wears her school uniform,it's a white button up shirt with a light brown buttoned up sweater. It has the schools logo on it which is "WALL ROSE HIGH"on the back front right hand corner and on the left sleeve. Also a red white and gold plaid skirt and some knee-high socks,and some all black low top sneakers.My strawberry blonde hair is tucked back behind my ear and my back pack swings as i hold it on one shoulder. I was sorta having a "Regina George moment" when she walked down the first class is Titan-ology.I sit right next to Levi Ackerman,my crush since..3rd grade.oh,how cute he was with his grey eyes and black hair and always so serious,he had a pretty deep voice for 15.I walk into class,and I realize that's not our regular teacher this time it was a sub Mr. Erwin.I think that teacher hates my guts for some reason.but I dunno why his #eyebrowgameisstrong.Anyways,back to what I was saying, I walk into class and the whole class started saying YOUR LATE.I was embarrassed so much I started to bite my lip so hard it started to said "um, Miss ral do u need to go to the nurse?"Yes immediately,""Levi bring her to the nurse"Ok"
"so what happened to your lip"Levi said as we were walking down the stairs."When I'm nervous,embarrassed,or interested I bite my lip so hard sometimes it bleeds"
"what's wrong"says nurse joy (Pokemon plot twist lol) "I bit my lip"I'm gonna give you a banaid and and ice pack,if it gets swollen or anything come back to me "ok"said Petra as she has the ice pack on her mouth.{I sorta drained so much blood I sorta got drowsy,but I'm fine}
We walk into class and they are getting ready for lunch?"we were gone for so long we missed the whole entire lesson" said Levi "ya"I say awkwardly.

Il finish the rest of this chapter in-progress

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