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A/N: sorry this is so late! plot twist: this one is actually an episode --

Fitz mixed the ingredients into the bowl, reminding his audience how to whip the stuff and that using an electronic mixer was a bad idea. He was making mallowmelt again; he'd made it on television a few times already, but people liked it so much it was a recurring thing. He tried to change it up a bit each time; less sugar one time, dairy-free another, etc. Apparently mallowmelt-making was interesting enough for that.

"Today's going to be a little different," Fitz began, shoving his hands into oven mitts before anybody could notice they were shaking. "My husband and I recently discovered some reviews on this show, and we noticed that some of you guys wanted to meet him."

That wasn't a lie. Apparently some viewers wanted to see a cute, domestic, and gay couple?

Fitz cleared his throat, carefully placing the mallowmelt tray into the oven, removing the mitts, and setting a timer. He reminded his audience that timers were very important. He knew he was stalling, but it was one thing to mention his husband as an easy aside. It was a whole other to actually introduce the man.

"So, euh, anyways ..." Fitz set the timer down. "I thought I'd invite him onto the set, so you guys could meet him. Dex, wanna come in?"

If Fitz was nervous, Dex was practically exploding with stage fright. The man wore a slip-on grey sweater with a light collared shirt; Biana had picked it out for him, and although Fitz wasn't used to Dex in casual clothes that didn't consist of a T-shirt and jeans, he kinda loved the look.

"Yo," Dex squeaked, the tips of his ears burning red as he scampered into the kitchen and nearly stumbling into Fitz. Fitz couldn't help but grin as he helped Dex regain his posture.

"This is my husband, Dex," he told the camera with an easy smile, even as blood throbbed in his ears and his stomach twisted into knots. God, why was he so terrified? Dex's smile was tight and obviously unused to live television, but that was only to be expected.

"We met in middle school," Fitz declared, because he had no idea what to say. Viewers had asked for the story of how they met, so now was a better time than ever, right? "I'm a couple years older, but my sister, Biana, made friends with Dex's cousin and that's how our lives crossed. Euh, yeah." Shit, this was awkward. "We were both pretty oblivious to romance and stuff, and I convinced myself for several years that I was crushing on Dex's cousin before I eventually figured out that I actually liked this guy." He stuck a thumb out at Dex. Dex nodded; that was a cue for him to speak, before the viewers thought he was mute or something.

"Y-yeah, it took this idiot so long to ask me out," Dex began, laughing a little, "but with the help of his sister and our friend Keefe, he made me some ripplefluffs and asked me out. Or, er--" He snorted. "Asked me if I wanted to 'chill'. At a specific place. At a specific time. And he would pick me up. And drive me there."

Fitz could feel his face getting red again.

"Anyways, I was well aware that I was in love with the imbecile long before that, and throughout the whole thing I was thinking, is this a freaking date or what, DUDE? After having a literal picnic in the park and all, I dared to actually ask him if this was a 'freaking date'."

"It was," Fitz cut in, grinning sheepishly. Dex rolled his eyes.

"Yes, stupid. And now I get more ripplefluffs and picnics then I know what to do with," he finished. Fitz shrugged, sheepish once more.

"I'd never be able to start this show without Dex," he admitted. "I love baking; always have, but I was told by ... dumb people that a guy like me shouldn't indulge in baking. But Dex always encouraged me to be myself. When we moved into this house, he had no problem with renovating it so that I could have a humongous kitchen. He even tolerates the filming crew," he added with a wink to the crew behind the camera. Jensi stuck out a tongue, and a particularly cranky member, Stina, glowered at him to continue speaking.

"He eats all my failed experiments -- well, as long as they're edible, and always manages to see the best in me, no matter how badly I mess up. And I try to do the same." Fitz shrugged again, aware that he was rambling but unsure of how to fill the space. Rambling was, honestly, all he ever did on live TV -- how else could he keep from awkward pauses?

"You're cheesy as sh-- as a cheesecake," Dex fumbles, as if recalling the no-curse rule at the last moment. The show was supposed to be family-friendly. Fitz hoped that including his husband wouldn't change that, because it sure as hell shouldn't.

"And that's the timer, numbskull," he could hear Dex saying, but it didn't register, until the man knocked his elbow into Fitz's side.

"Oh, sh--shoot," Fitz hastily pulled the oven mitts back on, opening the oven and releasing a cloud of sweet-scented steam. Dex stepped back as Fitz withdrew the mallowmelt and set it onto the table.

"Not charred!" he declared trumphiantly. The couple settled around the counter as commercial break began. Fitz turned to his husband and they high-fived.

"You sounded pretty good up there," Fitz told Dex, who laughed.

"No, I didn't, but thanks for trying. Dude, how do you stand doing this all day?"

Fitz turned his palms up. "It's fun?"

"Okay," Dex laughed, bumping his shoulder cheerily. "At least you like it."

"Back in two minutes!" Jensi called. The two faced the camera again.

The rest of the episode went smoothly, Fitz and Dex bantering as they waited for the mallowmelt to cool. Usually, Fitz would ramble on by himself, and he found talking to his husband a million times more preferable. He only hoped the audience thought so, too.

"Okay, time to cut it and taste-test," Fitz announced, grabbing a knife. Dex backed away as Fitz cut out a slice.

"This is glorious,' Dex declared as he withdrew his fork from his mouth. Fitz's lips twisted into a smile.

"Don't talk with a full mouth."

"I'm not," Dex replied, swallowing. Fitz rolled his eyes and lifted the mallowmelt so the camera could zero in on it.

"That concludes today's episode, guys! Hope you liked it. Maybe next time Dex will actually help with the baking," Fitz said, earning a sticking-out of the tongue from his very mature husband. "He's not quite as extraordinary as I, the star of Baking with Fitz, but he'll survive." He began rattling off his usual ending speech, cutting it shorter than usual, since the closing seemed to be drawing near and fast.

"Thanks for watching!" Dex added, and Stina yelled Cut!

"Good job," Fitz murmured as Dex fell into a nearby chair, blowing out a long breath.

"Why the hell did you invite me back, you stupidface ..." Dex grumbled. Fitz smirked and lifted one shoulder.

"Pleeease." He patted his strawberry-blonde hair. "They'll love you." He shifted before adding, softer: "And I like having you with me."

Dex raised his head slightly, nodding noncommittally and dropping his face in his hands.

"Only if you promise not to ... make fun of me ..."

"Okay, sleepyhead." Fitz glanced over at the mallowmelt. "Wanna eat?"

"'Course I do."

Fitz called over his crew members, and they ate the mallowmelt together, chatting and laughing. A small smile grew on his face as they sat.

His show was going to be just fine. For now, at least, everything was okay. He was married to the love of his life, his parents accepted him, and his sister and all his friends were happy. Life wasn't perfect, but it never was.

At least he could say he was baking with pride.

A/N: HAHAHA I HATE IT WHYWASITSOBORINGANDTHATENDINGBRUH but, uhm, i had to finish this. thanks again to my dear friends that suggested this fic; hopefully it was satisfactory (skdlfj no i'm sorry this is such a disappointmentAAH)! also, yes, i don't know how to mallowmelt or live television -- apologies for inaccuracy. thank you all for reading, and i hope you're doing well! stay safe <3

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