I Need a Hand.. Literally - Jeremiah Esperalzan

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His breath fell heavily on my face, " Stop flirting with my girlfriend, or you might be missing another limb by the end of the day. " The fist loosened its grip on my shirt, letting me fall to the floor. My mechanical leg barely managing to balance out. Connor winked as Flynn took her by the elbow and directed her down the hall, shooting an angry glare before walking into Trigonometry. 

Nothing like making a sure impression on the first day " I think, stooping down to pick up my books and binder spilled along the floor. More than a few people stop to help, most quickly picking up only one book continuing to walk hastily down the hall. One of them stopped momentarily to stare at my stump of a shoulder, 

" Mind giving me a hand? " I smirked, moving the stump around in its socket, just so he got the joke. In return he grinned, silently shifting my books into his own pile. 

He was of the average sort, with dark brown stringy hair and little but defined features. Overall taller than me but having a gangly appearance in his structure. Looking at me with deep green eyes I realized I would be doing most of the talking. 

" Are we even going to the same class? ' I forced a laugh to humor his silence. He pointed to the room down the hall on the left, 

" Biology Honors? " Earning a nod we set out down the hallway. Him carrying most of the books while I held three in my hand to lighten the load. Walking into the classroom our teacher shot us a quick glance of confusion turned acceptance, seeming to check off two spots on his clipboard. 

" Against the wall Mr. Esperalzan and Mr. Dixon. " Tipping his head towards the others standing at the wall. We joined them at the end of the wall. Three more people came into the room after us, joining the line and holding their books tight. 

Marking off the last 3 spots, he clasped his hands together since setting the clipboard back on his desk, " Welcome to Biology Honors. I am Mr. Griswold and I will be known none other than Mr. Griswold. You will find your seats by the frog legs taped to your desks with strings of paper hanging off the webbing of the foot. You may begin. " 

To most people's surprise, he was being serious when he said frog legs. Sure enough slimy green as well as stripped white frog legs were duct taped to desks along the room. Each having a little strip of paper tied off a string through a bloody hole in the foot's webbing. I took a glance at Mr. Griswold's desk, a hole-puncher laid on a tray next to a pile of green and white doughnut holes. 

" Nothing like having a psychopath for a teacher. " I muttered to the boy carrying my books as everyone started moving around the room. He cracked a grin and immediately swung to the front of the room quickly flipping over the slips. 

Brittany Trunzo 

Will Sauls 

Maverick Walker 

Darrin Morales 

Well there goes the back row, looking around the room most of the other students had already found their seats. Some even being to socialize with their partners. The boy holding my books dropped his own by a seat at the side of the room, now quietly (as always) waiting as I still searched. 

One of the seats was open next to a blonde-haired boy looking like he was doing a Garamel impression in his stool. Various thick red lines cut across his arms as well as blotches of the same color, looking very much like burns. Making my way over with caution I flipped the tag over. 

Jeremiah Esperalzan 

Great. Just great. 

I looked up to the boy with my books managing a grin, my new lab partner didn't seem to notice as he set my books down with a THUMP! At first it seemed like the boy was finally going to say something, his mouth started to open and sync actual words. Almost immediately after uttering the first syllable he shut his mouth, deciding on an awkwardly set salute off the tip of his head. 

Sitting down in the stool my partner still seemed to stare straight ahead, like he was in a trance or something. Amber eyes looking to do some laser vision on the filling cabinet next to Mr. Griswold's desk. I took a glance at his tag strung to the frog leg, 

Link Richards 

I've heard that name. Thinking back to my other classes I flipped through the identities and appearances of everyone I had seen in the 7 periods before. Finally it rung a bell, he was the kid getting yelled at by the gym teacher! Being late for whatever reason, or maybe the gym teacher just hated him, I mean we all have teachers like that. 

" Jeremiah. " I state fairly loudly, hoping to knock him out of his trance. 

Sure enough he lost focus for a few seconds turning with a confused look sprawled on his face. " What? Oh, uh. Link. " 

" Nice to meet you. Whatcha think of the teacher? " I attempt to start a conversation. 

He got a distant look in his eye, " Burn... " 

It was only natural for my eyes to widen as I forced a laugh, gripping the edge of my stool's seat starting to hop a bit farther away from my new pyromaniac partner. 

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