8th june 2020

66 3 0

me and niall have been talking for about 2 weeks now , he said that hes coming down to derby this week!! we've actually become quite close over these past few weeks and he said that it's nice to have a non showbiz friend to talk to.

talking to niall has almost been a stress reliever to me because both of us have shared some pretty big secrets between one another and we already have nicknames for us both , i'm frey and he's either ni or neil.


*beep* *beep*

that must be him now!

Neil : open your front door

Me : why?

Neil : freyaaaa just do it!!

Me : ok calm down!


ok i'll open the door i guess...


"ahhh ! wait... NIALL!! what are you doing here!? i thought you weren't coming until match day?" i can't believe that the niall horan is at my front door! i know we've been texting but i wasn't expecting him to show up at my house!

"so i'm not allowed to show up at my friends house to surprise them? hahaha you should've seen your face!! you were terrified!"

"was not..."

"yeah you were now come here and give me a cuddle!"

of course i run up to him and pretty much jump into his arms

"sooo... can i come in? i'm not here just to stand at your door you know"

"oh yes! sorry!"


me and niall basically hung out all day, it was amazing!! first him and my family got to know each other a little bit ,then me and niall went for a little walk around the little part of derby i live in (we had one fan but she wasn't too much hassle) and then when we got back my mum had made us nialls favourite meal because it was like 5:30pm, after that me and niall went up to my room and just kinda talked about anything and everything. then niall had to go back to his hotel to go to sleep :(

now we are texting before we both go to sleep

Neil : i had loads of fun today!! maybe i'll meet you tomorrow after school yeah?

Me : i had fun too! yesss we definitely should!! maybe we could go to the shopping centre?

Neil : yes! we might have to get some security guards to escort us around tho :/

Me : thats fine! my brother knows some of the security guys and i'm sure they would be happy too!

Neil : perfect!

Me : you know that we have a spare room in our house you could've slept in right?

Neil : no ... you never mentioned it

Me : well i have now, if you want you can stay with us whenever you come to derby so you don't have to pay for a hotel every time

Neil : really? that would be great!! i'll bring my stuff down tomorrow if that's alright cause this hotel bed is stiff as a rock :/

Me : that sounds great! see you tomorrow ni x

Neil : ok see you tomorrow frey xx


sooooo chapter 2 aye ;)

how is it??

hope you liked it :D

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