23rd july 2020

44 1 0

niall went home two days ago, he said he had a meeting but i think he's hiding something from me, i really hope it was just a meeting....


i'm so bored, niall's not text me all day but i don't want to text him first because i don't want to seem clingy or bother him if he has a meeting, imma just text him once

Me : morning ni ! hope you're ok, i miss your smiley little face :( love you x

i hope he responds, but i'm not getting my hopes up just yet

*knock knock*

who the fuck is that? my brother must've left his keys here or something

"az! i swear to god i'm going to - niall! omg!!"

as i opened the door there was niall standing there, a giant grin on his face and his arms out ready for a hug. obviously i ran and jumped into his arms

"what are you doing here?" i say kissing allover his face ending off with his lips

"well , i've actually got another surprise for you"

"niiiiiiii you don't have to keep doing this for me! i've literally got a member of one direction as my boyfriend what more do i need ?"

"trust me , you deserve more than i could ever give you"

"you're such a dork"

"i know but you love it"

"yes, i do, and i love you"

"aww i love you too, now go and get ready!but don't take too long yeah

"ok , i'll be back in a few minutes!"


"ok i'm ready!!!"

niall looks up to me from where he's sitting on the sofa

"you look amazayn baby!! let's get going!"

"ok- wait what did you just say?"

"i said you look amazing baby"

"oh um ok lets gooooo!!"

"come on then cutie!"

i jump on nialls back and make him carry me to the car because i'm a lazy bitch

"right, hop in then love"

i slide off his back and into the passenger seat of nialls black range rover while niall walks around and hops into the drivers seat making sure we've both got our seat belts buckled before starting up the car and beginning to drive away

"sooooooo where we goingggg??" i ask drawing out the o and g

"i can't tell youuu!!"


"because this is a really big surprise and if i told you it might ruin it"

hmph :(


"ok we're nearly there!"

"why are we going towards the football stadium?"

"you'll see in a few minutes, it's all part of the surprise"


we come to a stop outside the main entrance of the stadium and niall gets out and walks around to my door, he opens it and gently unbuckles the seat belt . i step out the car and take niall's hand in mine , niall leads us through the main area and onto the pitch where i see a matt black range rover on the opposite side from us


"you'll see when we get there"



something big happens in the next ( and sadly final ) chapter, but i promise its gonna be a really long one to make up for it being the last one :)

feel free to dm me on twitter @ HAZZAXRAINBOW(got a new @ do you like?) or comment your opinions :)

F xx

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