I feel like a B**** Part 4

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It's winter break I have nothing to do.My mom has to be at work all week expect Christmas Eve and Christmas day.I looked at my phone I have a messages.
To Bernice
You can have him I only used him for fame Idc.Just watch out bitch.
From unknown number
I started worrying.
~•Stevens pov•~
Abby didn't take it well,she started to tell me that she used me.I felt like she was telling the truth.
To Bernice❤️😍
Can I come over.
From Steven

To Steven
Yeah I need to talk to you.Just let yourself in okay❤️
From Bernice❤️😍
I put on some pants,I walked out with my shirt in my hands.I got to her house and ran upstairs.She just ran to me and hugged me."She me texting me to watch out"She said showing me the text."Its okay,I really like you but I really didn't like her like I do with you"I said kissing her.She looks so cute with bed hair and in her short pajamas shorts.She but her head in my bare chest."I forgot to but my shirt on"I said putting it on."No no leave it off.Lets go downstairs"She said hugging me.We watched adventure time.She was laying on my legs.I was playing with her hair."So you liked me all along"she said."Ever since I meet you at my birthday party/meet and great"I said smiling at her.
~•Bernice pov•~
I was just smiling at him.I kissed him to make him stop talking.I got a call from my mom.
My mom
Hey sweetie,Im not gonna be home we have to go out of town.So I left money under my bed that's you Christmas.Im sorry but you can bring two friends over only.I love you I have to go bye.
Ugh I hate when she does that."I guess I'm gonna be home by myself on Christmas"i said."Ill be with you bae"Steven said kissing me.Time passed by fast."Can I spend the night with you"he said making me smile."Yea,will your mom get mad"i said."No I'll say I'm with Armis"he said smiling.It was 9:00 we went to my room and and watched 22 jumps street.We just cuddled and went to sleep.

Hope you like this one Ik its short but imma make the next chapter more interesting.❤️🙌Btw I don't hate Abby I just wanted to make this fan fiction different then others.

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