The end of the world

30 0 0

Warning- Lots of mentions of death, possible self harm. Will probably be really short as well

According to the news, there's only so many days until the world will end. The sun has been getting closer and closer to the planet, increasing the heat around the earth. The estimate that within a week it will basically swallow the earth.

Your boyfriend hasn't been dealing with the news well. Hes been panicking badly, despite you trying to soothe him. Everything will be okay... At least that's what you want him to believe. You want to spend your last days with him.
Curling up next to you, your boyfriend sniffles. The heat is getting worse and you both know you won't last much longer. You just want to make him happy one last time.

"Babe... Babe, I don't want to die," Jamie whimpers after a moment "I'm so scared, so scared... We won't really die... We won't really die, will we?"

He looks up at you hopefully. You spend some time reassuring him, getting him to calm down. He snuggles against you even though you're both sweaty messes.

"Let's spend time together before we die... I want to be with you. Fuck, I love you so much, I don't want to be without you" Jamie looks up at you with a sad... Sad look on his face. Soon he leans up to kiss and make out with you. This is his last chance to anyway. You can't last in this heat much longer.

Gay Roleplay (2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz