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Seeing James playing with your child is so sweet and it warms you're heart. Cole is the sweetest little boy, just learning to talk and walk. James plays with the little blocks with Cole, the toddler squealing with glee.

And to think, months earlier James was terrified of having the small boy. He feared being a bad father, and he feared the responsibility. He wasn't sure why and he couldn't explain it properly to you.

You step into the room. Cole reaches for his other daddy. He's always preferred you over James, which really seems to bother him... But you aren't sure how to approach the situation.

"Babe, how about you give him his bath," James sighs. "Uh, I'll... Just enjoy my alone time I guess. I love you" He pecks your cheek, hands you Cole, and waves you off.

"Bathtime!", Cole gasps excitedly

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