chapter seven :the truth

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My mom started talking, looking at the table " Our family isn't what you think it is , Zoe . Our family is way more messed up than we lead on . We are reapers . A family of Death itself. " My mom looked up to me , seeking for my reaction. I just stared at her ...

"We are ... Reapers ? Like in ...the Grimm Reaper? Like in ....taking people's souls....
Oh my fucking word . " My head started spinning , so much made sense now. That why I get the dying desire to kill . I was a born killer . " Ok ... We are reapers but that doesn't explain why my brother was kept away from me . Tell me that . "

My dad looked up this time , starting to explain that part of this seemingly unrealistic story. " Your brother only had one year of childhood . He's soul and mind grew up faster than a normal persons , but it's normal for a male Reaper . Females on the other hand grows up normal and unlock their power at the age of 16 . Males receive their powers in the second year of their life , so we took him to live with my parents wh-... " I cut him of .

"Wow wow wow , I thought Grandma and Grandpa's Smoak was dead . Was that another lie ? " My dad looked at me with a hurt expression. " Unfortunately, yes. That was another lie . Just let me finish. " I looked at Zack and he nodded .

I looked back to my father " please ... Do proceed. "

" So as I was saying ... Zack stayed with them where he was taught how to use his power . You stayed here with us where you could have had a perfectly normal life until your time came ... "

"So let me get this straight. 1-we are all reapers who are meant to kill people . 2-my grandparents are alive .3- my brother lived with them . 4- I have powers I don't know about 5- my brother is the current Grimm Reaper? Is that all correct? " I looked around the room and everyone nodded yes . " Is there anything else I should know about? " I asked in my usual sarcastic tone .

"Actually, yes ." This time it was my brother who was talking. " We start training tomorrow morning at 5 . Don't be late . " I looked at him with an amazed expression. Did he really just say that ? . I was not going to make it that easy for him .

"Really Zack ? You think that will work . I bearly know you , and now you want to order me around. Why don't you answers few of my questions? Let's begin shall we . 1 did you know I existed ? " I looked at his shocked face , but I didn't care . He can't barge into my life in a second and think he can take control. No way . Im not going down that easy .

He looked me straight In the eyes and started talking , he looked kinda quilty. " Yes Zoe . I did know about you . I know everything about you . I always have. Did you really think I would have these amazing powers and not know who my twin sister is ? I'm not that sloppy . " His words hit hard. He knew everything about me but I knew nothing about him . That made me wanna cry . I swallowed my tears and proceeded my interrogation .

"Ok . 2 -how did you know so much about me ? " This should get interesting. He smiled slightly and continued to talk. " I have been watching over you Zoe , protecting you , always hiding in the shadows around you . I've always been there for you even if you didn't even know it . "

This statement brought up another sarcastic comment . " Oh , so now Mr Grimm Reaper is a guardian angel to his twin sister . Wow. What an unexpected twist . What's next ? Prancing unicorns? " I knew I would do some damage with those words . At least just a little.

"I've been alone so many times . Crying for someone to listen to me and all this time you have been there . Why didn't you do anything? Why did you leave me in so much pain when you could have done something!!" My tears were free falling down my cheeks. It felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster.

"Sis , you have no idea how much it hurt me to see you like that . But those times were the only times in my life where I was truelly powerless. I felt weak . Your smile is what gives me strength. Your smile can save the world , but I was banned from being in any type of contact with you until you were to turn 16 . I'm really sorry sis . But there were rear times that I did wipe the tears of your face when you were crying in your sleep . So many times I've kissed you goodnight on the forehead after you fell asleep and I would tuck you in . All those times you talked to yourself about your problems cause no one else would listen, I listened. I listened to every word. When Jackson cheated on you , who do you think beat him up the next day ? How did he end up in hospital. I wasn't supposed to do all that but I did , cause I love my sister , the only one who shares my face . I would end the world if you asked me to sis . Really . Am I'm really sorry for being bossy , I just want you safe . Can you forgive me , forgive mom and dad ? Give us another chance and get to know me ? Please Zoe , please ?"

I stared at him , feeling like a bitch for saying those things . I stood up and walked in the direction where he sat . I flung my arms around him and hugged him tight . I felt his body go rigid but the he hugged me back and somehow in the process I landed on his lap . I didn't mind , I mean he is my twin brother after all ....

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