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it was 8pm now & she still hasn't text me regarding whether she wants to hang out & have supper tonight..

so i decided to call her,

"hey, i was just wondering your decision for out supper hang out tonight" i said & waited for the answer.

"erm im sorry changkyun but i don't think i can make it today, im busy tonight." she said & i felt my mood slowly going down..i had hopes that she'll be free but i guess not.

" time then, have a good night." i said. "thank you, you too, i'll talk to you later, bye" and with that she hung up the phone.

i return back to my studio hoping to find some peace & make some music for the upcoming album.

i wrote some lyrics & eventually it was 9pm, i haven't had dinner so i decided to go to my favourite restaurant to get some steak.

i went alone because none of the guys wanted to come with me as they have already ate so i put on my mask & hat so no one would realy recognise me, eventually i arrived at the restaurant & there was not alot of people so i decided to sit at the corner alone.

this steakhouse isnua popular spot, no one really knows about these place but it serves really good food very consistently so i wonder why hasn't this place blown up yet..

"your regular order sir?" the waiter asked & i just nodded my head, he walked away with my
order so while i was waiting i decided to take out my phone & start looking through monbebe's tweets reply to the selca i uploaded 2 hours ago.

some comments were really funny & some comments were really lovely. after awhile my food came & i decided to put my phone down & start eating.

i was eating peacefully as i saw 2 person walking into the restaurant, of course i ignored it because its probably just some random couple on a date.

the couple was sitting at the table infront of mine, as they settle in i decided to look around the restaurant while chewing on my food, i accidentally took a glance at that girl & i couldn't believe who i saw.

y/n's pov
i ended work at 8pm today, its not too late of a shift but i needed to meet someone.

just when i was packing my stuff my phone rang, it was changkyun, he had asked me to go on a supper trip with him but honestly i couldn't, i would love to but that's not my priority right now.

after i hang up the phone i continued packing my stuff, i had decided to go back go my apartment to change my clothes because im still in my scrubs (photo reference to those who doesn't know what scrubs are)

after i hang up the phone i continued packing my stuff, i had decided to go back go my apartment to change my clothes because im still in my scrubs (photo reference to those who doesn't know what scrubs are)

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after changing into a simple t-shirt & jeans i left my apartment to the location where me & him were suppose to meet.

it was around 9pm and we had promised to meet in a steakhouse, i arrived alittle later than i should & he was there standing outside the steakhouse like a model, just waiting for me.

"hey dr.han, sorry im late" i said to him, "its alright, at least you're not an hour late just like that one time" i laughed & we walked into the restaurant.

the waiter got us a seat & we sat down & waited for the waiter to get the menu, "i already told you to call me seungwoo, dr han is too professional, and it wouldn't be nice of everyone knows im a doctor..." he said and i just nodded knowing i can't argue with him.

we ordered our food and started talking about the thing we were working on.

me and seungwoo are really close friends, we worked together during our residency days, but sadly he was chosen to go to another hospital after we officially got our medical license.

we met up to talk about a boy name minjoon, we met minjoon back in our residency days, he was a sick 5 years old boy & now he's already 8,  he has a rare disease that requires alot of medical attention & recently they finally found a cure for it, we just had to confirm when to get the surgery done & the whole procedure about it.

we were casually talking about work when a guy wearing a cap & a mask walked past us, what caught my attention was his scent, he smells familiar but from where did i smell this smell?

to be continued...
sorry guys 😭 i became lazy during the past 2 weeks & now that school have start i felt motivated again, i'll try to update asap!

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