Pravda Pt.1

619 5 10

Third Person POV

Both sides tanks speed at each other from the start of the match with the snow still falling. On Pravda's side Katyusha began to speak.

Katyusha: Listen up! If any tanks is shot down by them, each crew member has to fork over 25 rubles!

Nonna: That's code for 25 days of make up classes in a sunless classroom, I assume.

Katyusha: Listen up! We'll leave their flag tank and take out every single one of them. As for the boy I have something special for him. We're going show to show them just how much stronger we are! 

The rest of the girls of the Pravda team screamed an "Ura" before Nonna began to sing Katyusha.

As the two teams get closer to each other the Ooarai tanks get ready for a fight.

Saori: I'm glad Caboose lent me his trench coat.

Hana: It might be the right choice for us to wrap this up all at once.

Miho: Yeah.

Yukari poured a bit of Hot Cocoa into a cup and gave it to Miho.

Yukari: I made some Hot Cocoa and put it into a thermos. Feel free to have some.

Miho: Thanks.

Miho took the cup and sipped the hot cocoa as the Ooarai tanks continue forwards. What they didn't realize is that Pravda is waiting for them. Two Pravda school girls lay down in the snow watching the Ooarai tanks make their way to their own lines. They then radioed Nonna.

Girl 1: All enemy tanks are proceeding northeast. Approximate speed: 20 kph.

With Nonna and Katyusha the radio spoke to news to the two. Nonna was in her normal emotionless state while Katyusha was eating.

Katyusha: So they want to end this all at once. Pretty cocky. *gulp* Nonna!

Nonna: Got it.

With the Ooarai team.

The Ooarai tanks continue to push forwards however as they try to get up a hill Mallard team's Char B1 was having difficulty climbing the hill.

Momo: Sodoko, what're you doing?!

Midoriko: Gomoyo, we need to go forward.

Gomoyo: I'm trying Sodoko...

Miho: Mallard team, fall back for now.

Mallard began to move backwards however they soon came to a complete stop.

Mako: Take care of things here for a second.

Yukari: Alright.

Mako got up and then made her way to Mallard team. Mako opens the hatch to the Char's driving compartment surprising Gomoyo.

Mako: Trade with me for a second.

They did trade places and the tanks begins to move at a much faster rate.

Gomoyo: Thank you.

Midoriko: What are you doing coming in someone else's tank without asking?

Mako: Don't worry about it.

With the Anglerfish crew.

The Panther 4 stops in front of a snow bank and Miho got an idea.

Miho: Hana, can you shoot the snow in front of us with an HE (High Explosive) shell?

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