Fun part 2

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Adora's POV

We were heading to the treehouse. Bow and Catra had brought a blanket and snack. Me and Glimmer got to the treehouse first so we cleaned it up before Catra and Bow would get here. Bow threw the blankets up and Catra threw the snacks too. Glimmer went do and brought Bow up but Catra stayed down there so I went down.

Catra's POV

Adora came and said, "What's wrong?"

"nothing" I lied.

Glimmer and Bow looked down I gave them a death stare. So they looked away guessing to go kiss or talk. Adora looked at me she could tell me that I lied. She asked, "what is bothering me?" I told her " I won't spend more time with her and that she deserved more than me." There were tears in her eye she gave me a hug I hugged back. She said, "don't ever think you aren't good, I love you!" "I love you too."

adorable hi everyone its been a little, sorry 164 words cool bye love ya'll bye.

Toaster <3

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