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Adora's POV

After the whole sad thing, me and Catra went to Bow and Glimmer. They gave us a hug that we needed. Then we all made a nest of blankets and snacks. We all watched a movie in the middle there was a jump scare and Glimmer jumped into Bows arms which was cute.

Bow's POV

The movie was great yet in the middle of the movie Glimmer jumped into my arms. So I held the whole movie she snuggled up into my chest. Glimmer started to get sleepy. I noticed she fell asleep. I thought she was so cute until Catra sneezed witch was even cuter but still it was funny. My eyes started to get heavy and the next thing I know I was asleep.

Catra's POV

Adora and I were liking the movie the thing that Bow and Sparkles were being cute. I snuggled up to Adora she kept me close witch made me feel safe I blushed. When the movie was over. I Adora was already asleep. I started to fall asleep.

Next Morning

I woke up to see Sparkles and Bow were gone.  So I woke Adora up. Me and her both got dressed and went down the ladder.

Time skip because I'm lazy.

We went to the woods and found footprints. So we followed the footprints and we went behind a tree looked over to see.

Hi everyone it's Toaster. I have been gone for awhile sorry. hope you are having a good day.  243 words yes

Bye Toaster<3

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