Chapter 3

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A small kitten purring and eccentric frisked its path by rubbing everything with its silky white fur.  It paid no attention to what lay around only how everything paid attention to it. Skipping and jumping, it chased at nothing but small lights fluttered by the clouds blocking the moon. Smelling a fragrant sweet flower, it leveled its perky head at it. Sniffing with curiosity and soon rubbing up against the flower, the kitten jumped back.

          Hannah rolled over. Dirt covered her face and parts of her hair. She smiled at the creature knowing cares in the world could be left in sky when sharing a moment with a little kitten. Grabbing it and stroking the back of its neck, it purred even louder giving a sense of safety.

          Pulling the cat towards her to cuddle on the ground, hidden in the brush, Hannah wanted to sleep more. Without moving for so long, her ankle preceded to only feel better, even though it looked worse.

          Darrell grabbed a giant stick whooping it against the ground trying to shatter the wood, yet save it for making a racket. “Darrell, Shush. It’s to dark out to do that. Hannah might hear it and run off than you know we won’t find her.” Jeff said shaking his head. Darrell looked at him just irritated. They must have been out here for at least five hours. His whole legs ached at walking for so long. It annoyed him how much Jeff wanted to find Hannah when she’s his in the first place. Wondering how come Hannah just couldn’t come out and say “Hey Darrell, sorry I ran away I want to live with you forever.” He became utterly confused how his dad had such control over his mother.

          Jeff being more hard headed started to walk faster in areas were the corn seemed thicker. You could tell he appeared to be annoyed like his own dog ran away because some animal wanted to be chased. And after that he’d beat it, thinking the dog wouldn’t do it again.

          Hannah started to hear rubbing of legs on grass nearby. Holding the kitten and trying to quiet it, it only jumped out of her arms hissing. She watched as it ran away becoming mad it had to be loud. The grass moving in the area only became louder wanting her to jump up and run. But she felt too scared to try.

          Grabbing her shirt and rolling her hands in it at the waist, she took it to cover her hair. Since it being black, her idea was the night would cover her spot.

          Darrell walked the opposite direction from Jeff. Still being in seeing distance, his mind wandered if Hannah should really be taken back. Why should he make her stay? Shouldn’t she want to stay on her own? Thinking back though, his mother said, “Women don’t know what they want, they need convincing to know what’s right.” He knew that was true, but it made his heart felt heavy thinking his ma was wrong. She was older, so she had to be right.

          Darrell stood silent letting his ears do the work. Closely he thought he heard breathing. Breathing with a sorrow of weeping. Not even  trying to be silent, he walked up to where he heard it.

          Hannah heard and felt the presence of something standing above her. Uncovering her shirt from her head, she looked up at Darrell weeping trying her hardest not to be loud. “Please…”she started until Darrell put his finger over his mouth looking around. “Hannah, just be quiet, I’m going to walk away and that’s it. You can go back to your house and be free.” He said. “But I don’t even know where I am? I feel delusional.” She said. Sitting up with her legs crossed, she bent her head over thinking. Darrell stepped over to the side of the brush till neither could see each other.

          A fast paced walked came out of nowhere, it seemed to come out of a worm hole. Before Darrell could even turn his head at where it was coming from, Jeff hit Hannah with his fists repeatedly. It came so fast Darrell just stood looking to confused to know what to do.

          Hannah hysterically tried to get away but Jeff had her hair wrapped in his hands. “We got you now. Took long of enough you dumb bitch.” He said. “Darrell get over here and grab her legs we gotta carry her back.”

          Darrell wearily pulled her off the ground seeing blood run down her face. It wasn’t much, but he didn’t like how Jeff did that. Luckily she was only a light hundred pounds at best, so they were able to walk quickly through the corn. “Dammit Darrell, I can not believe you just stood there and didn’t notice her! She’s yours not mine. My god I have to do all the fucking work around here.” “Jeff come on, it was dark. Who cares we got her now and we can just forget about that.” Darrell said. Jeff knew he was lying. He knew how when they were in the field Darrell began feeling it was wrong. Knowing that this was more than likely to happen again where Hannah would run away unexpectedly, Jeff abruptly stopped.

          It lurched Darrell back and Hannah fell to the ground thudding her head hard sending a wailing fit of crying once again. “Darrell, you tell me right now. Do you want her or not!? I am sick of your attitude.” Darrell just looked at him blankly peering at the ground just a tick. “Jeff let’s not start this now. I just wanna get back.” “No Darrell answer me right fucking now.” Hannah tried getting up again, making Jeff kick her hard. Darrell stared at Jeff now, like Jeff just went crazy. “Jeff, I don’t think you have any room to speak. Like I said, let’s just get back now. I’m sick of your little hissy fit.” Darrell said.

          Jeff giving a grunt walked over to Darrell pushing him. “Fucking A Jeff. Knock it off. ““Tell me now what do you want to do Darrell?” “Jeff we are going to take Hannah back to the house right the fuck now!” he yelled. Jeff stepped back a little shocked. Darrell never got mad like that. Picking Hannah’s legs up Darrell nodded at Jeff to pick her head up. Jeff started to bend over than instantly stood straight up. “Darrell if she’s yours, than you carry this bitch back.” Jeff began to walk away. Darrell glanced at him and watched Hannah. She was laying curled up eyes closed crying like she couldn’t stop.  He couldn’t help but think if Jeff was actually going back to the house or not.

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