Chapter 4

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Jeff stormed off mad. He began kicking at everything in his path cussing out loud yelling how the world wasn’t fair. Picking up his pace of walk to a slight jog, a frown stayed on, not twitching a muscle.

          Darrell looked down at Hannah and cradled his arm around her shoulder. “Everything is going to be okay. That was just my brother. He gets mad like that sometimes, but don’t worry I’ll take care of you.” Hannah slowly moved her eyes towards him sniffling a little. “Are you sure?” she said. “I am just so petrified right now, I don’t know who to trust.”

“Listen, as long as you’re with me, I won’t let anything bad happen to you, I promise. But you have to trust me and listen to what I say.” He said. Hannah began to stand forgetting about her ankle, almost falling to the ground before Darrell picked her up. He grabbed her using both arms and carried her like a baby, stroking her hair telling her to calm down. “Darrell? How did I end up in your house anyways?” Hannah said. “Well, your dad sold you to us. He drugged you and we got you. Next thing we know you wake up and jump out the window.”

Hannah couldn’t believe it. Just the idea made her want to throw up. It made her profoundly dizzy and hate raged at her family. She lived with them for so long. How could he? “That can’t be true Darrell,” she began hitting her fists on his shoulder, “He wouldn’t do that! You guys kidnapped me! Take me back to my house!” Hannah screamed. Darrell just kept walking not saying a word. She grew into a fit of hysteria. The truth was, it was true. Darrell, Jeff, and his dad George bought her, without Hannah’s knowledge. The only difference with his ma was George kidnapped her. But that was old tradition. Now days you had to at least buy your wife or fall in love over a number of years.

          Jeff walked in the house kicking his boots off clunking the wooden floors. His pa and ma sat at the kitchen table. “Well Jeff? Did you guys get Hannah back?” she said. “Yeah. Darrell is bringing her back, we had some trouble. You might have to stitch her forehead up. She was a real fighter.” Jeff said. George sat gloomy as usual and smirked a little. With a small laugh he George spoke, “Well you know what they say? The better the fighter, the better the wife.” This threw both of Jeff’s parents in a fit of laughter. “Ya that is true.” She said. “But I wasn’t a fighter I just cried a little and gave in shortly.”

Jeff didn’t say anymore. He just walked away with his head down back upstairs to his room.

Darrell finally got to the yard. Hannah still in his arms started crying again. “Darrell. Please you just can’t do this. People have rights. Please, please just let me go. I swear I’ll get you your money back somehow.” She said. He just ignored her and kept walking to the house.

Finally he stopped and put her down to where she was standing in front of him. Brushing her hair to the side, she wiped her tears away and spoke, “Darrell.” But before she could say anymore he interrupted. “Hannah, I am only going to say this once. We bought you fair and square. But I don’t feel right about this. You know though if you go back to your Daddy he will just do it again. Just try to stay here for a little bit. Two weeks at the most. If than you don’t love me like I love you, than you can go. But then Jeff will most likely just take you. And you know damn well he will stop you."

Hannah gasping couldn’t believe her fate. This was never supposed to happen in her life. She didn’t know what to do. Being to battered and beaten, running away right now would do her no good. “Okay. I’ll give it a try. But if I don’t like it, I will leave.” She said sadly. Darrell nodded his head yes grabbing her around the shoulders hugging her and kissing her on the top of the head. “I love you Hanna.”

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