Chapter 3 - The house

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*Faith's P.O.V*

We are finally going today, we are getting everything shipped over sea's and we are taking a plane to our new house in England. We are gonna have to go to school the day after we get there though. Phil said that we also didn't have any time to meat our neighbors until after the school day. I was okay with that, but a little disappointed that we couldn't know who we were living next to.

*At the Airport*

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" I yelled. "Well I am sorry if I can't find which one it is," Mum said. At the moment we had finally found it. We were at our flight, "We are now boarding flight 10." That was our flight, we got on the plane and all of us fell asleep. It would take a long time to get to England from U.S.A.

*After the Flight*

I was the only person in my family that was awake when our flight landed.

"Phil, Phil wake up." I said. "What, is it time to get off the plane" he asked. "Yes now come on," I said pulling at his arm. When we were finally off the plane, our mum hailed a taxi and took us to our new house. We lived in a small neighborhood, it was a circular neighborhood that came off a bigger neighborhood.

Our house was the only house that was blue, the other houses were either green, purple, or orange.

We had to wait 3 hours before the moving people came with our stuff. We put everything in what we thought was the perfect place. I was happy because Phil's room was next to mine and they were connected by a door. That means that we could have late night talks on that he could come into my room to stair out my window. My window went out like a dome, and you could sit on a wooden platform that was connected to the window.

Phil's room was the same size as mine but with a smaller window and he had a bigger closet. Both of our rooms were connected to our own bathrooms that were actually kinda big. But overall the whole house was awesome. It was the best home that I had ever lived in.

*Later at Dinner*

My mum made us my favorite, she made soup. I ate it extremely fast just to have seconds, I finished seconds by the time everyone else was done with there firsts. But no one else was hungry for any more. After washing our dishes, my mom gave Phil and I hugs and said, "Try not to stay up to late. Go to your rooms though." We went upstairs but Phil knocked on the door that connected our rooms and came in. He sat on my bed and said,

"Do you think we'll get bullied at this school too?"

"No, well I don't know. I don't know anyone yet. So I wouldn't be able to tell if anyone was going to bully us," I replied.

"Well, erm, thanks I guess." He said then gave me a hug and went back to his room. After that I went to sleep.

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