Sick cuteness

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I just wanna say the thanks to my supporters who read this and the nightcore videos that have gotten me through the days and I forgot to mention the cheezits! Please give me more ideas 8.8 ima bit lost..


I'm doing this chapter by  Poe's POV and he has low self confidence as we all know it will have some angst but not anything to bad just wanted to inform my readers!

Poe's POV

"I told you not to get sick", I said looking down at Ranpo. 

He was lying in his bed red faced and burning up.

"I'm not sick! I-I'm just a bit dizzy..", He said trying to hide the fact that he wasn't as tough as he sounded. "I-if you say so but you're staying home and I'm taking care of you even if you're 'so not sick' ", I said giving him a scolding look.

"O-ok mom", He said giving in.

After finally getting him to let me take care of him I walked to the kitchen to try and cook something up. 

**Time skip because as you know cooking isn't my forte**

When I came back into the room to try and check up on Ranpo he was sleeping soundlessly in his bed. I walked over to the bed with the soup in my hands. His expresoin was soft and everything about him looked peaceful. 

I was so lucky to be able to have him in my life I'm a nobody I don't deserve him and I never will...but I can't help it I just have to stay.

I put the soup on the table beside his bed and sat on the space beside him on the bed with my feet still on the floor carpet. Then nudged him a bit.

He didn't even stir.

I nudged him some more and a bit harder but he didn't move. "R-ranpo-san", I said in barely a whisper. I frowned I was to nervous and I didn't want to shake Ranpo-san.

I was about to call his name again, but let out a cry when I felt something tug on me. 

Ranpo most likely wouldn't be even able to pull me on to the bed fully but when I jumped out surprise he used that moment to tug me fully onto the bed. "R-ranpo what are you. Instead of answering me he snuggled his head into the crook on my neck and shushed me. I stayed there silent for a moment I was sure I was blushing but I didn't dare  move for then I might wake up the now peacefully sleeping Ranpo.

It's so silly how my motives could change in just minutes. Just a few moments I was trying to wake him up and now that's the one thing I'm dreading will happen. 

I felt myself growing tired of contemplating my thought's and the heat between us was making my thought's fuzzy. 

Soon I found myself drowning in a puddle of sleepiness. I wanted to give in and so that's exactly what I did.

Dazai's POV

"I'm really worried Dazai what if he's in trouble!", Atsushi said looking at the ground worriedly.

"Oh please stop worrying Atushi he is fine he most likely just caught a cold", I said trying to lift his spirits. "B-but I t-thought ", He stuttered looking up at me confused. I sighed and walked a bit faster so he would keep up the pace.

"Ranpo may be extraordinary but  don't forget he is like all of us, human", I responded without looking at him. He was a good kid but always thought the worst of any situation. 

As we arrived at ranpo's small home I knocked on the door. We were here to give him a 'get well' gift even if we didn't know fully if he was sick yet.

I knocked on his door but nobody responded I guessed maybe he was asleep so I took the key from under his door mat and unlocked the door. "Isn't this sorta invading his privacy?", said Atushi frowning down at the key.

"Well if he wanted so much 'Privacy' he wouldn't of told me where his spare key was, I said smirking evilly, "Plus like you said he might be in trouble!".

Atushi still didn't agree but didn't dare disagree knowing my evil methods. I unlocked the door and opened it. I stepped inside with Atushi on my trail. 

He closed the door behind him and and we looked around the room. It was obvious now that ranpo was indeed sick, there were medicine bottles on the counter and uneaten soup in a container. The thing that surprised me though was that Karl Poe's Raccoon was lazily sitting on the sofa.

Poe never went anywhere without Karl to my knowledge so for him to be here meant... 

I grabbed Atushi's hand and raced to the bedroom.Even if I could here Atushi say 'EEP' and drop the basket full of med supplies and small candy's I ran straight to the bedroom and when I got there I stopped abruptly. Atushi fell to the floor with a small thud.

"shhhhh!",  I hissed at him. He looked at me confused got they signal and got to his feet silently.

I slowly opened the door as if not to disturb anyone on the inside. There it was my theory was correct.

Ranpo and Poe were sleeping soundly on Ranpo's bed holding each other in a tight embrace. I squealed and flailed my arms around happily grabbing my small camera and taking pictures. Unfortunately for me though I had accidentally kicked Atushi making his bump into me. Surprising me we both fell too the floor knocking the door open and making a loud thump as we hit the floor.

Instantly Ranpo shot up and looked around. When he spotted us sprawled on the floor he glared down at us.

"What are you doing in my house?", asked Ranpo looking ticked off.

I knew that if we stayed for one second he would trick us with his wits to get revenge on us for barging in his house so I did what any person would do.

"Uh- I have to go have fun with Poe bye!", I said loudly taking a still dizzy Atushi by the wrist and yanking him once again out of the room.We ran out of the room and out of the house. That was a close one I thought.

Now.....I'm gonna message everybody I know about this.

The Book Of RanpoeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon