~( ' ▽ ' )~♡︎

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"Hey there!" A small boy with ash blonde hair and forest green eyes exclaimed. "Oh! Yuki! Hey..!" The greenette replied.

"I was sent to tell you that you're being sent back to earth as a certain human..!" Yuki explained.

"Why me? Aren't there others who can?" "Yes but you seemed for fitting for him,plus! This is the one in a million chances of maybe remembering who you were before!!" The greenette thought for a moment.

"Fine,i'll do it!" He replied. "Thank you Izuku! I'll see you at the lobby!" Izuku sighed.

Since it was someone else's body he didn't need anything. He fixed his hair and changed his shoes. He left his office and locked the door,obviously.

When someone dies,they forget everything about their past lives. Izuku knows his body is in a coma and is being watched but doesn't know anything about his life as Izuku Midoriya on earth.After 6-7 years of being an angel of heaven or guardian angel,you're given a chance to reincarnate. You obviously can say No but you're given the same question again after the next 6-7 years. Others are lucky enough to get a reincarnation soon after they die.

Izuku died just recently. His body is currently being in watched by his former guardian angel,he hasn't accepted nor declined the reincarnation and be a guardian angel thing so his body I considered 'alive' until he chooses to reincarnate in a different body or revive again. (Which is awfully hard)

"Yuki!" The greenette smiled. "Ah! Izuku!" They've been very close friends since he arrived. Probably like few weeks ago.

"Are you ready?" The younger boy asked. "Ready as i'll ever be!!" He smiled in response.

"Good! You better get going!" "Wait..What's this boy's mission? I need to know--" He was patted at the back by another angel,Akari Tanaka. "Ah! Tanaka-san!" "Don't worry about the mission! You'll find out soon. Yuki will guide you until you realize your mission and when you complete it." He smiled brightly.

"A-Alright,that's kinda making me nervous!!" Izuku chuckled. "You'll be fine,Izuku..!" Akari smiled.

There was a sudden bright light and he was falling. Izuku shut his eyes tightly before awakening in a body. His vision was blurry.

"Hng.." he groaned. "GASP! Izuku!!" A female greenette yelled.

'We have the same name..' Normally angels will forget their names but angels like Izuku who haven't declined nor accepted the reincarnation didn't forget his first name. If he became a guardian angel,he'd be given another name.

He watched as the female greenette left her seat and ran to call a doctor.

She came back crying. Doctors came in and checked up on him to see any signs of emergencies. Nope. He was clear.

The doctors left him with his presumed mother. "Izuku.." she whispered. "Can i..See my face?" She smiled and gave him the mirror. He wasn't oblivious so he immediately knew this was his body.

'..!' He was alarmed. "Izuku!? Are you okay?" She panicked.

"No! No..!" He smiled. 'If i fulfill my mission then i get to stay here and live or get sent back. They'll obviously make me stay here so no use of fighting it' he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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