New recruit (pt.2)

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The day ended before they new it. Some made it to the magic knights some didn't."This is so cool!I can't believe I made it to a squad!!"Asta screamed with happiness

"Oi,Finral.Let's go."The captain ordered his subordinate"Yes captai--wait..who's that cute chick?"Finral pointed at the girl with white hair"I'm Noelle Silva.Call me Noelle,and I'm a Royal."she was a bit nervous"Oh you're so cute my princess"Finral winked at her
"Hey!"a voice spoke in the middle of Finral's flirting mode"Hi!I'm Asta"he said with a bright smile, Noelle blushed a bit since no one smiled at her that kindly nor sincere before
"Oi,brats.Enough with introduction save some for later, you'll also be meeting the other squad members."the captain spoke up
"Yes Sir!" They said in unison

*At the black bull's base*

When they entered the room,both Noelle and Asta was confused it was so chaotic there

"Erm.."Noelle mumbled"Hey guys!I'm Asta from Hage Village and--"
No one was listening so he didn't speak until all of them was in attention

Then a fist smashed the wall,the captain had an aura that was again terrifying"Don't break everything!"
then everyone from the room put there attention to their captain as they rushed to him and praised him
"I see.I see,you guys adore me huh?he said with a small smile -but it was too loud."the captain added

"We're sorry"everyone bowed there head in sign of apology

"Alright,We have new members.Finral introduce them."captain ordered him

"Alright,first is the squad captain.Captain of black bulls Yami Sukehiro!""The the big guy over there is grey.He is a nice person too!""She's Vannesa,drunken sometimes but you can rely on her.""This is Charmy,she is always hungry despite her small body.But she's a nice person""He's Gordon,he may look sinister but he's a nice person.""Then that's Magna,and The yellow boy is Luck they both fight as if they're rivals""Then ofcourse you know me I'm Finral!"Finral was done introducing the squad members then Asta spoke up "I'm Asta from Hage village!And I will become the magic emperor one day!"

"Eh?I can't sense any mana from you,why is that Asta?"Luck asked him out of curiosity. Asta chuckled slightly "Heh,well..I was born this way"Asta continued to chuckle as he scratch the back of his head others were surprised "Yami-san sir!why did you recruit such a lowly commoner?"Magna asked the captain. "I don't know. Why don't you try him?" "Alright then!ok kid let's head outside" "ehh???"Asta was confused "ok, all you have to do is defeat me then you can earn this robe."Asta's eyes sparkled "Woah! Alright let's go!!" Asta shouted--high spirited "Damn, You're rowdy kid."
"I'm sorry!"Asta apologized

" I go!"Magna went a full on attack on Asta as the fireball was flying towards Asta,he couldn't think.'I'm going to get hit..'

To be continued..

Sorry I'm quite a slow typer that's why my hands get tired easily,sorry if the story ends short ever part/chapter

I'm really sorry hope you understand!

I'm to lazy UwU

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