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Holding a balloon in my hands
Suddenly I lose my grab
It floats away higher and higher
I wanna chase it, so I did
I kept on running
I kept on chasing
I kept on reaching
I kept on pushing
I tried to jump
But my jump wasn't high enough
I get a ladder and tried to climb up
Yet I can't still reach it and grab

I asked when will I reach it again
When can I get it back
I was tired and exhausted
I wanted to stop and let it go
But my heart and mind says no
So I get another ladder
Climbing upper and upper
I then finally saw the balloons tail
I grabbed it and smiled
When I glanced on the view from my point
I saw something, someone and everything
I saw my future, then I realized
I didn't just saw it, I reached it
My future was the thing that I'm reaching
And the balloon is God
That I'm following and chasing
Who guided me to reach
The future I'm dreaming

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