Notes in a bottle

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Charlie had met many interesting people. Murderers. Bounty hunters. And the occasional assassin. But non of them leveled up to the Straw Hats crew. Granted she had been with Luffy since day one of his adventures. When he met Shanks she had come from his ship to his side and made friends with the black haired boy. His brother Ace and Sabo had had became her friend too as she visited occasionally. But one day when Shanks had lost his arm she was left with Luffy where she would be safe and away from the pirate life. 

Hell now she was a pirate and the right hand man, well women, of the captain of her ship. She could keep up with the men and was one hell of a fighter when she was given the chance to show it off. Charlie was known as the Red Haired Serpent. Her swordsman ship was one of greatness and matched Zoro's. But she did happen to be a bit weaker due to a bum leg she had received when they where kids.

Her leg had been crushed while on Shanks ship during an attack. The reason she had been sent to land during her childhood. Luffy and Ace had cared for her day after day as she recovered. And now she would never part from them. But when Ace left behind Luffy and herself she was there. Luffy was mad and cried for days but had been calmed down when she gave him the form of her comfort. Hugs and walks along the beach. Collecting shells and crustations. Pearls and unique rocks. She had made him the bracelet he wore around his ankle. 


Luffy came all the way around from the back of the ship, his gum gum arms swinging as he did so. Landing he yanked her into the air and swung her around. She hit his arm to get free from his grasp.

"Let go ya gummy goof!"

Nearly dropping the bracelet she was working on for Sanji she slapped his arm. Her smoke stuck between her lips fell as she was dropped. Catching it before it could hit the floor, all her hard work had fell and the shells she braided together with seaweed all fell to the floor. Clinking and tapping on the wooden floor she felt all her hope leave as she dropped her seaweed string. Growling she grabbed Luffy and flung him over her shoulders. He landed hard onto his back with a wheeze. 


Luffy laughed it off and got up from his position before smiling and stepping closer. Charlie huffed and fell down onto the ship's floor before picking up the reminiscence of her hard work. Many interesting people she had met. And yet non of them could get on her nerves as easily as Luffy.

Having finished her bracelet and giving it to Sanji she found herself with nothing to do. Getting up and walking the ships length she sighed and leaned against the front of the ships railing. Her eyes fell over the horizon as she leaned against the wooden boards. Charlie's mind began to wonder as she thought all about her childhood. 

Luffy. His spirit had never changed since day one of their friendship. He had one dream and to be the pirate king. Every day since she was little she would sit down and sketch out plans for him when he would call her over. She drew sea monsters and maps of what islands to go to. Lists upon lists of his plans to get hold of the One Piece. But one day he just decided that having a plan was useless. And so they spent their time flying by the seat of their asses. And damn had they come far.

Looking at the horizon a smile found its way to her lips as she glanced to the side. Sea gulls flying by one another and diving down to rest on the waters when tired. They would find their way back to the nest where night would bring cool temperatures. Keeping close to stay warm and comfortable.

Sabo. His time with them was one that made her life a pretty great one. His kindness especially towards Luffy. Described as a better older brother by her black haired friend. His attitude and courage to continue to fight for his dreams. Granted he attempted to kill poor Luffy alongside Ace she still was fond of his friendship. Not to mention she beat the living hell out of the two older men when she had returned from her expedition of the time.

Chuckling Charlie leaned forwards a bit and sighed as she remembered the bruises and scratches left on the two boys after her rampage. She watched a large whale lift from the water and flop down onto its side. Water rushed forwards and rocked the boat a bit. Salty mist met the skin of the red head. Her smile grew as she breathed in that salty scent she had grown to love. Whales had such gorgeous bodies and life. So care free and loving to their offspring. 

Ace. Yeah. It had been a really long time since she saw the ass of a man. His messy black hair never kept down or straightened out. His large hat keeping the sun from his gaze as he went on in life. He knew how to use his flame flame fruit powers well now and could use them any way he wanted. But something special always stuck out to her. He made his best attempts to swoon her, especially when of age to understand his hormones. Random field flowers and weeds that look similar to a flower. 

Rolling her eyes the female smiled and looked to her side. Her hair fell past her breasts and tickled her arms as she crossed and leaned against them. How many years had it been since she had seen the man? Too many in her opinion. Too many and too long. She pushed off the deck and walked to the stairs leading below decks.

Stepping down and walking to her own room she pushed open the door and sighed happily. Lighting a candle atop her desk her hand wisked the match out. Sitting down she pulled out a piece of paper and set it out. Ink and a quill she started writing out a letter. She couldn't tell what she wanted to say. All she knew was she missed Ace and would ask to see him again. But soon she found herself writing about how fond she was of him. Stopping before she got too into detail she sigh and closed it by signing her name. Taking an emptied rum bottle she slid the note inside and sealed the top with its cork and melted wax.

It was a long time ago but Charlie had been told by Shanks that sealing and sending out a note in a bottle it would always reach the one you want it to go to. Especially when it was a love letter. With a small bit of hope and that childish love in her Charlie climbed down the ships edge. Her feet met the rope closest to the water. Hanging onto the rope she leaned down and placed the bottle into the water. Watching as the glass body drifted away she smiled and stood up gripping tightly to stay in place.

She might've been a childish person with hopes like this. The chance to have Ace really see the letter was one in a million. Yet she hoped and prayed the letter would make it there. Climbing back up to the deck Charlie fixed her shirt before walking to her room. The others where asleep now seeming it was pretty dark. Pulling her covers back and sliding into the bed beneath them. She pulling away her boots and  tossing them aside she reached to remove the corset around her stomach. Letting it slide off and sit with her boots she smiled.

Charlie blew out the candle by her bed and rested herself down onto the bed. Blankets pulled to her shoulders she sighed and closed her eyes. Her mind wondering to the idea of Ace truly receiving her letter made her a bit excited. Her heart ached and yearned for him to actually find the bottle and make his way to the ship she called home. But she never knew if that would ever happen.

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