I'm skipping some parts until I get to Ace (Just so you know)

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"Hey there's a flock of birds surrounding something out there."

Sanji said as him and Charlie cleaned the deck. She looked up and saw the flock close by. Walking over she snatched the telescope from her waist and looked over. Her skilled eyes trained down upon the flock and what it surrounded in front of them.

"Dead fish? A big one?"

Usopp guessed as he walked over and took the mop brush Charlie was holding out for him to take. Looking closely she sighed and noticed it was a ship. Putting the telescope back she looked over to her captain forming a plan.

"Hey pass me a bundle of rope. I can swim out their and see what's on that boat."

Luffy nodded and ran off to get her the rope. Sanji looked to her to confirm what she saw. Charlie gripped her sword at her hips getting ready to use it magic ability.

"A boat."

Nodding to Sanji she walked forwards and got a closer look to the boat. She used her telescope again and sighed not able to see what was on it. Taking the rope from Luffy she strapped it to her waist and removed her corset as well as a few other valuables. She unsheathed her sword and pressed her forehead to the blade and called upon her dragon spirit sword. A low rumble responded to her and she gained her scaly skin patches. Tying the rope to the front of the ship's railing she slid over to the other side.

Leaning over and holding onto the railing as she did so she looked to the water below. Zoro came up and grabbed onto the extra rope. He looked at the female as she kept an eye for something that could hurt her or the boat's inhabitant.

"Tug three times if you need me to pull you back ok?"

Zoro said. Charlie nodded and leaped off the ship. Her body met the water and it began changing. Her fingers became webbed and her legs changed into half human and half dragon hind legs with fins on her shins. Another set formed on her fore arms as she propelled forwards. Surfacing she looked up to the ship as her gills formed for underwater breathing. They all where watching her or the boat.

Ducking back into the water she pushed water away and began swimming through the ocean her body moving swiftly. Surfacing now and then to see the distance she had left. Finally reaching the boat she pulled her self upwards and looked into the boat. A little girl in yellow garments and a pointed tall had lay on her side as she sat there unconscious. 

Reaching out Charlie brushed a strand of hair from her face. Picking up the girl Charlie used her hind legs to kick back to the boat. The girl's head rested atop her breasts as she slept in a deep slumber. Reaching up Charlie gave three hefty pulls before letting go. Zoro began pulling harshly to bring her back. Kicking to help him she did her best to move quickly and get medical help for the girl.

She was analyzing her as they went and found so far no injury. But she would take a closer look soon. Reaching the boat she sunk her feet down and kicked herself upwards climbing one handed to the ship's deck.

"Sanji take her."

Charlie said handing him the girl. He looked at the girl shocked but took her and was quick to get her to safety from the sun. She already had some redness in her cheeks from the heat. Pulling herself upwards she fell onto the deck and untied the rope from her waist.

"Please take the rope Zoro. I need to care for her."

Being quick to get to the kitchen where Sanji went she bent down and looked her over more. She wasn't injured just had a few reddened areas from the sun's harsh rays. She placed an ointment made of herbs onto them and slid her into a comfy night gown before placing her down into a bed.

"She will recover soon."


Setting down her tea mug down Charlie slid another piece forwards on the chess board. Zoro was watching closely as she made her move and analyzed everything. He sat there still for a few moments thinking. She smirked as he over thought everything about his next move. Moving a piece forwards. Sliding one of her nights around his own she took it out and added to the pile of white chips. He huffed and moved a piece taking out her night. 

"Wow actually making progress."

Charlie swiftly took that piece out and another by using her noble to do so. Setting the two new pieces down on her pile of dead chips. She sipped her tea and looked at Zoro again.

"Shut up Charlie."

Pushing another piece forwards he watched as she took another out. Yawning she leaned back as Sanji poured her another mug of tea. She smiled and hugged his arm as he pulled it back. He gave her a hug back and set the pot down leaning a bit into her back. Zoro threw his hands up in defeat as she took out his king with ease. 

Leaning a bit into Sanji she watched as Zoro tossed a piece across the room. Movement caught her eye and she looked over to a the small girl they had saved. She rubbed her eyes as Charlie smiled to the girl.

"Awake? I thought you would be asleep for a while longer. About a day or two at least."

The girl looked up and screamed at first realizing she was on a pirates ship. Charlie got up and put her hands out in a calming posture.

"Hey easy little one we aren't here to hurt you. We got you from the ocean's grip and brought you here."

The girl looked at herself and screamed again.

"One of you undressed me didn't you you perverts!!"

She yelled at the men. Charlie shook her head and pointed to herself.

"I dressed you and I did it respectfully. "

"Yeah non of us where there but her so please relax. We want to help you that's all"

Nami chirped in as she held out a plate of food. Charlie took it and held it closer to the girl as Sanji backed up avoiding the girl's stress to worsen.

"Here hun. Have some food you looked famished."

The girl ignored her and looked around. 

"Where are my clothes?"

Charlie gestured for her to follow. The girl got up and walked with her to the deck. Charlie pulled her clothes from the railing where the had been drying from her cleaning them. She felt them and then handed them to the girl as she reached up to take them.

"Come along. I'll take you to a room where you can dress in peace."

Leading her to her own room Charlie closed the door after telling the girl they would be in the kitchen again. She returned and found the Chess board set back up. She smirked as Zoro pointed to the game board staring her down. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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