The Attempt

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Jughead snuck into my room while I was asleep and shook my shoulder gently as I woke up confused. I rubbed my eyes. "What? Jug is that you?" I said softly. He put a finger to his lips and whispered. "We have the plan tonight, we have to go and quietly." He helped my up. I stretched and yawned. Jughead was holding something in his arms, a jacket. A leather one to be exact. "Here put this on," he said as he handed it to me. It was the same jacket he had, a serpent jacket. "But this is a serpent jacket." I said holding it in my hands. "And you are a serpent, unless you don't want to be, it's up to you." I looked at the jacket and up at Jughead. "No I want to be a serpent." I whispered. He smiled, his face lit purely my the pale moonlight coming through the windows.

I put on the jacket and snuck out my window. Jughead first and then helping me down as I jumped onto the grass from the ladder. He led to a truck, filled with serpents. He climbed into the back of the trunk with me next to a bunch of other serpents as I sat down. "Go Sweetpea." Jughead said as the truck pulled away. The wind blowing in my loose blonde hair, which was down and flowing. I held onto Jugheads arm, uncomfortable and intimidated by my surroundings.

"Hey, your Betty Cooper right?" A girl with light pink hair tapped me on the shoulder. "Um yes," I said. "I'm Toni, Toni Topez. A friend of Jugheads." She held out her hand as I shook it, concerned. "Don't worry I'm more into girls." I raised my eyebrows and nodded relived. Then before you know it we were pulling into the sisters of quiet mercy as darkness and dread dawned on me. It send shivers down my spine.

The car stopped as the serpents started to get there weapons and hop out of the car. I sat still looking at the stone building in utter horror. Jughead was about to get out but saw me. He wrapped his arm around me shoulder and rubbed my arm. "Everything's going to be okay." He said. I looked at him and nodded. He helped me out of the truck as the serpents started to line up outside the door, taking a crowbar and prying the doors open. Once the door opened they cleared the way. Jughead looked at me with a "are you ready" look as I nodded my head. We walked in as the serpents closed the doors slowly behind us.

It dark in the halls, and quiet. I was getting the hebe gebes already. Jughead stopped. "Okay you go that way and I'll go this way alright? If you or I don't come back in 5 minutes we call the cops." "Okay," I said breathless. He took of down the hall as I turned another way. I jogged down the hall of doors, mostly dorms. I kept going until I heard the sobs of a younge girl and the voices of adults. "You should know by now to not trash your room young lady." A stern and creepy voice echoed. I hear footsteps getting louder as I hid behind a turn, peeking out to see what was going on. The girl was being dragged by her arms towards a room, intregued I went to go follow, but slipped on a water spill on the floor as I fell, hitting my side on the ground and holding in a yelp. Then men and lady stopped. They looked at me. "Shit!" I mumbled trying to scramble to get up, but was hard to do in heels. "Why did I wear stupid heels!" I said in agrivation. "Get her." The lady said as two men came running in my direction. "No!" I shouted as I got up, trying to make a run for it but being caught by the men. They grabbed me by the arms and started to drag me as I flailed. "Jughead!" I yelled hoping he would here me. "Help!" I screamed. I started to get flashbacks of the other men. The knife, there skin against mine. I got chills and it made me more upset trying to pry loose.

"HEY!" I heard Jughead yell. He came running down the serpents as a bunch of serpents with pocket knifes came running towards them. "You let her go right now!" The men let me go as I fell to the floor and started to cry and shake. The men and the woman ran as Jughead put his pocket knife away and in his pocket. He kneeled on the ground and hugged me. "I want to go home!" I sobbed as he stroked my hair. "Okay, okay I know I know we're going to go home okay?" He said softly.

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