The Last....

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The Last...

A Novel


Cory Hill

For My Father

This book is dedicated to those individuals who work on the strange, the impossible, and what's from out of this world. Thanks those who dared contact me and share their personal experiences in what the public is not privy to.  

To the gentleman from California, you changed my life.  

It is not easy to witness the impossible and even harder sill to live among the many while secretly working on and building what hopefully everyone sometime in the near future, can experience and behold.

Oh and hey Heidi, thanks for the heads up. Clandestine life is pretty cool (eh)? How's the sis-in-law? She still friendly with the CIA? Thanks for the break I owe you one. Let me know when you're ready to dine with the President and I'll meet you at the Roosevelt. FTWK

Reference: CIA, CSI 

Gus W. Weiss, The Farewell Dossier

1The alarm clock was going off again.  

And like so many other people do in early morning stupor,  

Kate reached over and reset the snooze for another fifteen minutes of sleep. 

She "Abused the snooze", is what Blaine, her husband, called it.  

Ahh. But what did he know? 

Blaine could sleep through trumpeting elephants.  

Hmm? Kate pondered as she balled up into a fetal position.  

What if he was right? Maybe she did abuse the snooze. No matter. Fifteen more minutes. That's all she needed.

Blaine downed the rest of his Carnation Instant Breakfast as CNN morning news reported the latest rumors involving Congressman Gary Condit and the controversy over his missing intern.  

It never ceased to amaze him how the mainstream media managed to transform tragedy into entertainment for the masses.  

Blaine shook his head in disgust, turned away from the cupboard mounted TV, and set his glass into the dishwasher. The rack was almost full. He'd let Kate start the wash cycle.  

Blaine and Kate's mornings at one time, used to be a rivalry of disorder, driven by the chaos of having moved to an unfamiliar city.  

After all... many of the things they loved were gone. 

Gone was the short drive from Twentieth Street, to the university and the short walk across Colorado Boulevard, to the theater.  

Also gone were the herds of cattle flanked by men on horseback. Young coots and rustic codgers, conveying harmony, with a nod and two fingers to a rustic hat-brim. 

Gone too, the mountain air and trout filled streams.  

Starlit nights...twinkling from beyond, the silent silhouette, of an owl's wings. Moving from Colorado to New York upset their mental wellness, and all around naivety. Shock was a better descriptive. However Kate and Blaine chose not to be shocked finding being culturally inept more to their liking.  So far... 

New York had introduced the aspiring couple to a world they never dreamed they thought.  Or at least in comparison to when they shared an apartment and struggled to meet the demands of college life.  They met attending U.C., and were inseparable from the start.  

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